“Discover how this proven 21 step system could help you line your pockets with healthy $1,250, $3,300, or even $5,500 commissions.”
That’s what Ryan Mathews, the founder of My Millionaire Mentor com, promises to you.
It begs the questions like, “Is Ryan Mathews My Millionaire Mentor a scam or legit?” And “What is My Millionaire Mentor About?” And then again, “Who is Ryan Mathews, to begin with?”
I will answer these and (other relevant) questions in the My Millionaire Mentor Review below. For your safety.
[Sidebar: If you are not interested in Scams, check out THIS instead! You’re going to like this.]
Quick Review
Name: My Millionaire Mentor
Login page: mymillionairementor.co
Alleged Founder: Ryan Mathews
Price: $49 (MTTB) + sky-high upsells
Niche: Affiliate Marketing
Better ALTERNATIVE to My Millionaire Mentor That’s Uniquely Yours. And These Testimonials Are Proof.
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It’s FREE to get started, too (no credit card required). You’ll like that part…
Full Review – Is My Millionaire Mentor Legit
What will you find here?
First, I start with a short description of its official narrative – what the My Millionaire Mentor is, who created it, and what it promises to you.
Second, I will describe how you can make money with and how much it will cost you.
Third, I will reveal the findings of my research. Please keep reading as I am going to rip the whole system apart and show you exactly why I consider My Millionaire Mentor a scam.
So let’s get started:
What Is My Millionaire Mentor?
According to Ryan Matthews, the founder, My Millionaire Mentor is a simple 21-step mentoring system that quickly and easily allows you to earn 4-figure commissions online. More precisel it allows you to earn $1,250, $3,300, or $5,500.
Ryan says that his system is totally legal, moral, and can work for anyone, anywhere.
And to succeed, you need no previous knowledge or experience. All you need is an internet connection and a desire to succeed.
After signing up and becoming a private member, you can start making hefty commissions in your first 30 days – or you will get your money back. It is guaranteed (more on that later).
Why Was It Created?
Ryan Mathews did not create the original money making system that is fueling the My Millionaire Mentor. Instead, it belongs to Matt Lloyd from Australia.
Long story short, Ryan discovered Matt’s system while being hit by the hardest times of his life. However, thanks to Matt’s system, he has become incredibly successful at making money online.
Now he wants to give back and has dedicated his life to helping others:
Wow! Looks like a very noble guy, right? But again this begs the questions, “Is My Millionaire Mentor legit indeed? And if it is, well, maybe you, too, can make money with it?”
Please keep reading, as it will get fascinating.
How Can You Make Money With the My Millionaire Mentor?
Again, the official narrative first:
If you want to make money with the My Millionaire Mentor, you partner with a private company.
That company is selling high-end products and services. Your task is to refer people to the company where its sales professionals will do all the “selling” for you.
Every time they close the sale, you earn a commission of $1,250, $3,300, or $5,500:
All the profits are for you to keep.
The joy of joys!
Keep reading, as it’s not the whole truth.
“Well… Where to find these people,” you might ask.
According to Ryan Mathews, you should not worry at all. Why? Because once you sign up and become their private member, you will get full access to their simple 21-step training. This training will teach you how to do it.
Not only that. Also, you will get your personal coach and immediate access to their international sales team that will do all the selling for you.
Waitaminute! Remember, you have just read its official narrative. Please keep reading as you have to see what it really is.
Before that, though:
The Price
If you want to make money with the My Millionaire Mentor, the price is $49 one time payment. It comes with the Money Back Guarantee (more about that later as this $49 thing is only half of the story.)
My Millionaire Mentor Promises
Before I come to the warning signs and full red alerts, let me quickly list some of the main promises of the My Millionaire Mentor:
- $1,250, $3,300, or $5,500 in commissions
- Requires your time 30-45 minutes per day
- It can work for anyone, anywhere (internet connection and desire to succeed are required)
- Access to the 21-step training
- Your personal coach on call
- Immediate access to the international sales team
- Full access into the vault of quality products and services
- 100% guarantee that you will succeed and make money in your first 30 days or your money back
- As soon as you make just five commissions in 6 months, you’ll get your own Mercedes.
Wow!! *Clapping Hands*
And Here’s What You DON’T Need…
- You don’t need to sell. You don’t have to be a salesperson
- You don’t need to make or create or update, or support anything
- There are no catches, no loopholes, no fine print
Is Ryan Mathews My Millionaire Mentor a Scam – Red Alerts
Now that you are familiar with the official story and all the promises of the My Millionaire Mentor, I want to rip the whole system apart.
Keep reading because you have to see what ugly stuff it hides under the surface.
Red Alert #1: Secretive Ryan Mathews

Who is this Ryan Mathews to begin with? I could find nothing about him except that blurry photo, which he shows in the video.
Is it him?
Well, who knows? I, for sure, don’t. It’s like – If you have never seen me, I can show you a random photo of a man and tell you that it’s me. Can you trust me?
Well, type my name into Google and see what will pop out.
That’s what I did with Ryan Mathews. The only things I got were the My Millionaire Mentor scam reviews showing images of different paid actors.
My verdict: I suspect, Ryan Mathews is a fabricated character. I could not identify the real person behind the name. If he is running a legit business, why hide his personality?
Here’s something you can do, at home and at your own pace, to create your own passive income stream online
It’s FREE to get started, too (no credit card required). You’ll like that part…
Red Alert #2: Hidden Upsells
Now, this is something seriously upsetting.
Do you remember, in the above I gave you the official narrative of the My Millionaire Mentor.
Here’s the real story.
Ryan Mathews (or whoever is behind the name) is probably partnering with Matt Lloyd’s MOBE (My Online Business Education).
The 21-step mentoring program that Ryan is trying to sell you is, in fact, one of the best-selling products of MOBE. That’s why he is trying to hide the company name (MOBE) in his sales pitch. And that’s why the My Millionaire Mentor sign-up button sends you to the MOBE page:
See! The 21-step mentoring product that you are going to buy is, in fact, called MTTB (My Top Tier Business). What Ryan Mathew does is he points you to MOBE. When you buy from MOBE, he will earn a fat commission.
That’s how affiliate marketing works. Nothing wrong here.
However, the ugly part of the story is this:
When you pay $49 to get access to the 21-step MTTB program, you obviously expect to get full access to all 21 steps (also pictured above):
Also, you get 100% money-back guarantee if, by day 30 you have not made any money:
However, this is not true!
And here’s their disgusting trick: After finishing the 5th lesson, you hit a paywall, high as a kite. Either you pay $2,497 to get the rest of the program or forget the commissions.
So how about their money-back guarantee?
You won’t get it back. Why? Because you have not finished the course!
And even if you are willing to pay that $2,497, it means that you will be spending over $2,500 just to start!
Can you imagine!
Let’s assume, hypothetically, that the 21-step MTTB does magic and turns you into a wealthy man… Well, then it could be even worth that extra $2,500.
The big trouble, though is – there’s no magic in the MTTB.
Let me explain.
First, while it is true that MOBE pays very high commissions (from $1,250 to $5,500) but hey – to get these high commissions, you must find people who can fork out thousands of dollars in the first place.
And to say that this is super simple for a completely unskilled person is outright lying:
Don’t let them pull the wool over your eyes. My Millionaire Mentor com is an obvious “Get Quick Rich” scheme.
Second, to sell these expensive MOBE products (and earn commissions), you first have to buy them yourself.
That’s true!
Say you want to promote the 21-step MTTB program and earn commissions on it. Then, did you know that its affiliate links will be given to you only after step 7 (while there is a $2,497 paywall after step 5)?
See! Either you pay the full price or forget making any commissions.
And even if you pay it, then good luck in finding anybody who can and want to shell out even more. If this is not a pyramid scheme, what is it?
[Sidebar: And that’s why there are so many fake positive reviews on the MTTB system. All they are claiming how successful they are now while desperately trying to pitch you into buying the same program.]
Third, the 21-step course is not worth its $2500+ price tag. Take a look:
- How To Make A 6-Figures In Your First Year With Top Tier!
- Discover The Missing Ingredient 99% Miss in Business Success
- How To Unlock Your Millionaire Mind
- Why 85% Of Franchises Succeed While Most Other Businesses Fail
- What Is Even More Lucrative Than A Franchise Model?
- How To License A Proven & Profitable Online Business
- How To Get The Expert Support You Need To Succeed
- How To Get Paid Quickly & Easily With MOBE
- How To Get $3,000 Commissions With No Extra Work
- etc., etc., etc.
Now here’s a huge problem.
Obviously, MTTB targets make-money-online niche. In case you did not know, make-money-online is the MOST saturated niche online. There is no other niche harder than that.
Next, as Ryan Mathews claims, all 21 steps are super short simple “how-to” tutorials:
They’re not complete guides – fat 500 pages manuals. They’re super short.
Let see how it would work out in real life:
They take a complete dummy in internet marketing and charge him $2,500+ for the 21 super short how-tos and few phone calls. Then they throw him into the hardest niche of all, telling, “Now start promoting products worth thousands of dollars.”
Hey! The poor fellow sinks faster than Titanic.
Still dubious?
Let me give you an example :
Let’s assume for a second that Adrain Newey, who is by far the best Formula 1 race car designer in the world (a pure genius), writes a super short 21-step tutorial on how to design a world beater race car.
Now, can you ever believe that with zero previous experience in designing race cars, you can develop a winning Formula 1 car? Can you doi it by just reading these 21 simple “how-to” tutorials and by getting few supportive phone calls from the coach?

Absolutely not!
Yet Ryan Mathews is trying to convince you that an ordinary person with zero experience in the Internet Marketing can turn himself into a millionaire with these 21 short how-to’s (and few phone calls).
It’s just ridiculous.
Red Alert #4: Lies, Lies, More Lies
Also, Ryan Mathews claims, you don’t need to be a salesman. No selling skills needed:
Why? Because their professional sales team does all the selling for you.
It is a flat out lie!
Listen! Even if there were such a sales team, it’s your job to find potential customers, take them by hand, and bring to the sales team.
It sounds simple, but it is not. Because this seemingly simple process involves (surprise-surprise!) selling too. Hey! It’s the whole science, called copywriting. People spend years and decades to master it.
I got sick of Ryan Mathews shoving lies down the throats of innocent people.
Not interested in Scams? Check out THIS instead!
You’re going to like this.
Red Alert #5: No Fine Prints – Really?
This is sweet:
What is this then (found on the home page of My Millionaire Mentor com)?
It reads:
“The typical purchaser does not make any money using this system. My Millionaire Mentor does not guarantee income or success…”
This is laughable. Well, no, it is not. But it would be if it wasn’t so sickening – the whole system is a complete ripoff scheme.
My Verdict:
Words fail me to express my total disgust with the My Millionaire Mentor scam.
Much Safer Way to Make Legitimate Money Online
Whatever the reason might be why you want to make money online…
…Be it your financial freedom.. or more quality time with your kids and spouse.. or security in old age.. desire to travel the world.. more time for your hobbies or sports.. Or to help you pay your bills, bless your grandchildren (if you have them), etc.
You know the “why.” I can only confirm and encourage you – you are on the right track.
YES! It is absolutely possible to make side money (or even a second income) online. And yes, it is possible to do it WITHOUT getting involved in scammy “Get Rich Quick” schemes that deceive you into a major disaster.
How to do that?
Here is, in my humble opinion, by far the most complete and newbie-friendly program for creating a thriving internet business from home. And Yes, it’s free to get started. You’ll like that part.
It Might Be The Best Place Ever… Especially If You Want to Make Legit Money Online.
Why not make it the very next thing you do?
What About You?
First, I want to thank you for taking the time and reading my detailed review on Ryan Mathews My Millionaire Mentor. I hope you got the information that you were searching for.
So what do you think – Is My Millionaire Mentor legit or scam? Please leave me a comment in the comment box below.
Stay safe!
Egon (EgonSarvReviews.com)
thanx for the eye opener I almost came close to buying program but it felt kind of fishy that they would not realy tell you what you would be doing glad I did some research and found you.
Any video selling you stuff with a voice over, it even sounds somewhat electronic (like it was produced by a computer, not even a voice performer), is not going to be anything bu a scam. Frankly, why not be on camera for most of the video if you are legit?! I can understand for some parts where you show other people or a few (fake) account screenshots, but for the rest of the time, you should be the one in the video, otherwise the trust goes to zero.
Thank you very much for your comment Alexis. You are right, those videos with only voice over PowerPoint presentations are extremely poor. I understand, it is much easier, cheaper, and also safer to produce. First, they don’t need to rent luxury villas, privates jets, Ferraris, etc. Second, they don’t need to hire actors. And third, if the guy in the video (only the voice) says that he is a super-duper success story John Smith but never show you any photo of himself, how on Earth can you prove he is a genuine person. Most probably he is not.
Yet, for some reason, even such poor fabrications (as voice only videos) can trap innocent people. Tragic.
Stay safe,
I also almost got sucked into subscribing to the MOBE scam. MOBE operates out of Maolaysia. I called them to refund my $49, and she gave me a lame excuse. She said that only her manager can authorize a refund. I called back to speak to the manager, and all of a sudden the phone keeps ringing. No one was there to receive my call, smh.
Hey, Maurice, and thank you for sharing your experience with MOBE. Sad to hear you lost your money to MOBE. Even worse, these MOBE guys have exactly zero respect toward their customers, right? Clearly not my cup of tea.
I still hope you will get your money back, Maurice, but here’s another lesson for everybody else – it’s way better (and healthier) for you if you do not do any business with MOBE.
Stay safe,
Thank you, Egon for your review of another MOBE scam called My Millionaire Mentor! I really do appreciate your honest, clear informational opinion. I have been looking at starting an online business for a few months now. I did try a couple of them years ago but they were about products and I couldn’t get enough traffic to them. At that time, it cost about $5,000 and you had to do tricks and jump hoops and hurdles to get on the first page of Google search results. Thanks for saving us time and money.
Hey, Julia and thank you very much for your comment, kind words, and encouragement. I am glad to hear you found My Millionaire Mentor scam review helpful. The product is NOT what they claim it to be. And hey, it IS so ridiculously expensive! I cannot imagine where on Earth ordinary people take all those thousands of dollars to even start doing business with MOBE?
That’s why, in my humble opinion, Wealthy Affiliate is such a good option. Because, first, it’s completely free to get started (no tricks, no credit card required, just your name and email). Second, I like Wealthy Affiliate because it is an all-inclusive training platform – you will get everything you need from one place. And third, their amazing support system. It means, you will never be alone. Got stuck? Just post your question/problem to the WA community and soon you will get answers from other (more experienced) WA members. Brilliant!
There are many other benefits as well (like top notch hosting, etc.) but these three benefits make the platform awesome already. Click here to learn more.
Well that was certainly eye opening. Excellent research
It is a sad fact that there are many scams out there. I nearly fell for one just like the Ryan Matthews one myself a couple of months back when I was looking for a way into world of internet marketing.
Thankfully I didn’t, and it was down to a great review like this that I didn’t end up out of pocket, so be sure to keep up the good work as it really does make a difference to people.
Hi, Woody, and thank you for the feedback. I appreciate it :)
Glad to hear you did fell into the trap. However, to tell the truth, I got scammed. The promotional email came from a person I knew well. I trusted him and did not do any research. That was wrong.
Fortunately, God turned that rather negative incident into a positive outcome. Namely, I began searching legit ways to make side-money online and found this remarkable opportunity. When I looked closer… WOW!
If you (or anybody else reading this) are looking for genuine ways to make a side money online, check out how it can help you. Cost you nothing.
Anyway, because of these charlatans that succeeded in deceiving and robbing me I want to raise awareness about online scams. Just to save innocent people from falling into these nasty traps.
Thank you again. God bless you!
Hi i need ur help
Hey, Thectri, and thank you for reaching out to me. How can I help you?
Chat soon,