Wealthy Affiliate FAQ

Hi, Egon here.

Below you will find 26 most Frequently Asked Questions about Wealthy Affiliate internet training platform.

There’s a reason why I put this list – Wealthy Affiliate FAQ – together. There is a tremendous need for a legit and simple training on how to make side money (or full time salary) online. And while Wealthy Affiliate training platform is one of the very best you can ever find, people are still hesitant.


The answer, sadly, is simple. Because of myriad of online scams which lure innocent people in order to rip them off.

Thousands of wonderful people have got burned and left wounded. So therefore, while they still have that burning desire in their chest – to learn on how to create a passive income stream online – they are afraid to try again.

Even if the training is 100% legit and free to get started – like in the case of Wealthy Affiliate.

Therefore, here is my Wealthy Affiliate FAQ. I have carefully handpicked every single question below. These questions have aroused from real life situations. Real, ordinary people have asked them. And I have tried to give them as detailed answers as possible.

I am the member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2013 (here’s my proof). It’s over 4 years now. If Wealthy Affiliate were a scam, I clearly would not stay with them that long (in fact, I would not stay with them at all).

So I can only confirm – Wealthy Affiliate is really what they claim to be. I personally am 100% satisfied. And I hope, you will be also.

OK. No more messing around. Here we go:

Wealthy Affiliate FAQ

Does it work?

Does Wealthy Affiliate work?

Is it legit?

1. Wealthy Affiliate is a scam or not?

Who benefits from Wealthy Affiliate?

2. Is Wealthy Affiliate newbie friendly?
3. I am a complete newbie, no knowledge, no website, no product. Can I get help?
4. I am a beginner, and I don’t have the funds to buy any products. Does Wealthy Affiliate help me to start an online business?
5. I’m still in college, and I don’t have any experience in the online marketing. Does Wealthy Affiliate help me?
6. I don’t have a business, and I am not good at blogging, neither I have a niche or passion. Would I still benefit from Wealthy Affiliate? How would I make money?
7. I live in a remote country. Can I still make money through Wealthy Affiliate?
8. I have lost money on scams and MLM; I don’t have funds anymore. Does Wealthy Affiliate help me build up my online business?

Making money within Wealthy Affiliate

9. Can I make money with a free membership?
10. How soon can a newbie start making money with Wealthy Affiliate?
11. I love my day job. However, I would like to find something that will add to my income. I am a newbie in terms of a computer with no online marketing experience. Can Wealthy Affiliate help me?
12. Will I make money the first month after becoming a member?
13. How much time will it take to earn my first $100 if I join Wealthy Affiliate?
14. I am currently working with an MLM company, and I am starting to have some success with it! Can Wealthy Affiliate be used to help promote a network marketed product?

Wealthy Affiliate Support (Customer Service)

15. If I get stuck, can I get answers?
16. I don’t know if I will be able to produce enough valuable content to drive an income. Does Wealthy Affiliate help me with this?

Wealthy Affiliate Price

17. Does it cost to join? Are there any monthly fees?
18. Some comments on differing sites mention that the free Wealthy Affiliate membership has a 7-day trial period and some mentioning 10-day trial. Which is correct?
19. Do I need to have/buy a registered domain name and hosting to earn in Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate – General Questions

20. What is one of the Wealthy Affiliate products?
21. Is Wealthy Affiliate an MLM company?
22. How does Wealthy Affiliate differ from MLM?
23. Are there any membership sites in your program that free Wealthy Affiliate members can choose to promote to obtain recurring/passive monthly income?
24. If I upgrade to Premium membership, will I continue from the free Wealthy Affiliate and I will get access to additional resources? Or I will start an entirely new business, and I have to start all over again?
25. Is there an affiliate program option in Wealthy Affiliate?


You did not find your question? Please write your question into the comment section below.

2. Questions Answered

Does Wealthy Affiliate Work?
Does Wealthy Affiliate Work?
To give you some examples, here are the blog headlines by some Wealthy Affiliate members…





I could go on and on. Here you find an additional set of 40+ proofs  – Wealthy Affiliate works indeed. Ordinary people (more often than not, hopeless rookies) start making legit income online… And eventually get their financial freedom.


Learn how Wealthy Affiliate can help you make $1200 a month

1. Is Wealthy Affiliate Scam or Legit?

Wealthy Affiliate is 100% legit. The Wealthy Affiliate Starter membership is completely FREE to join and it does NOT obligate you in the least.

No credit card requirements. Your name and email address are all you need to register.

Scams, on the other hand, typically practice upsells and other tricks to get your money.

Now listen up. There are NO upsells in Wealthy Affiliate.


The Starter membership is FREE and if you later decide to upgrade to Premium, its first month is $19, then $47 thereafter.

Nothing else.

Also, it is entirely up to you to choose if you want to upgrade to Premium or not.

The Premium Membership is all inclusive and outside of that, there are NO upsells.

If for any reason you are dissatisfied with the program you can cancel your membership (Starter or Premium) at any time, and you will owe nothing.

2. Is Wealthy Affiliate Newbie Friendly?

Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is distinctively newbie friendly.

Wealthy Affiliate is designed this way right from the beginning.

The courses are designed the way to help complete newbies to start their online campaigns from scratch.

Once you join Starter membership you will have access to the Getting Started course. This is a 10 lesson video/text course for the beginners that helps you to understand the process of making money online. It also helps you to lay a foundation for your online campaign (website, niche, content et.c).

Besides that, Starter membership includes two fully functional WordPress sites (FREE), access to Wealthy Affiliate community, its help and support.

When you decide to join Premium membership (it is up to you, though), you will have so much more – More courses, more options for help, etc.

Premium membership courses and training are also designed with newbies in mind. They walk you through the courses just exactly the same way – step-by-step and in an easy to understand style.

Wealthy Affiliate Free Starter Membership CTA

3. I am a complete newbie, no knowledge, no website, no product. Can I get help?


Within Wealthy Affiliate, you will get all the help you need.

When you join Wealthy Affiliate Starter accountGetting Started course will teach you how to come up with your niche ideas.

Also, you will learn how to set up your website and create quality content to drive traffic to your site.

Sometimes, though, people struggle coming up with a niche idea. Even if this should be your case, Wealthy Affiliate will not leave you in the cold.

They have prepared an excellent training program (full seven courses) in a pre-selected niche.

Go through these courses and your knowledge base will expand. Soon, new niche ideas will kick in too.

Not only that. There is very an extremely helpful Wealthy Affiliate community with hundreds of seasoned marketers who are more than willing to help you out.

4. Does it cost to join Wealthy Affiliate? Are there any monthly fees?

The Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membership is completely FREE.

No Money. No Risk. No obligations.

In case you want to upgrade to Premium membership, this is $19 for the first month, then $47 thereafter.

However, upgrading to Premium level is entirely up to you to decide. There is no obligation to join it.

Also, there are NO upsells within Wealthy Affiliate as the Premium membership is ALL INCLUSIVE.

5. Some comments on differing sites mention that the free Wealthy Affiliate membership has a 7-day trial period and some mentioning 10-day trial. Which is correct?

There is NO trial period for the FREE Wealthy Affiliate membership. It IS a FREE Membership.

Once you join Wealthy Affiliate through Starter membership, you get unlimited access to your Starter account.

However, the Free Starter Membership gives you seven days free access to the Premium level support within Wealthy Affiliate system. This is a bonus – to give you a taste of the Premium level support.

6. If I get stuck, can I get answers?


Wealthy Affiliate community is exceptionally helpful, and many are willing to reach out if you need a helping hand.

In Premium level, there are even more options for support than in Starter level.

But even at Starter level, you get all your questions answered by experts in the field.

Also, the owners of Wealthy Affiliate (Kyle and Carson) are every day hanging around answering questions and helping people.

Encouraging, isn’t it?

7. Can I make money with a free membership?

Of course you can!

The Free Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membership enables you to get your business up and running. You get two free fully functional WordPress websites.

Also (this is the upgrade of Wealthy Affiliate web hosting), through Wealthy Affiliate platform you can purchase unlimited number of domain names. Wealthy Affiliate offers hosting services to every domain name, purchased through their platform (even if you have a Free Starter Membership).

Besides that, you learn how to set up your site and promote whatever products you like.

(See also the answer to the Question #22).

8. How soon can a newbie start making money with Wealthy Affiliate?

It depends on persons and situations really.

Therefore, there is no definite answer to that.

For some people, it takes 2-3 months, for others 6-12 months. It depends on the niche that people choose, and the time that they can spend on their online campagins, etc.

The more time you can spend every day to build up your campaign, the faster you will see the results. People that continually develop and take action are those that achieve success.

9. Do I need to have (or buy) a registered domain name and hosting to earn in Wealthy Affiliate?

This is up to you.

When you are just starting out, you can use these 2 free WordPress websites offered by Wealthy Affiliate.

If you want to take your business seriously then at some point down the road your own domain is better option of course. The price of your own domain is about $10 per year.

Now you can now register new domains right within Wealthy Affiliate! Better yet. You have access to Wealthy Affiliate domains even if you are a Starter member.

10. I am beginner and I don’t have the funds to buy any products. Does Wealthy Affiliate help me to start an online business?

Of course, Wealthy Affiliate will help you!

Wealthy Affiliate will help people like you. Wealthy Affiliate is not MLM (see the question #21), which force you to recruit people, etc.

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to create your own online business.

In the same way that you would set up and run an offline business. The only difference is that starting an online business does not require start-up costs. Wealthy Affiliate Starter membership is FREE to join so you can start without funds.

Getting your Starter Account will help you to get into right direction.

Not only that. Also, you will get support from other Wealthy Affiliate members and you will be able to build a solid foundation for your online business.

11. I’m still in a college and I don’t have any experience in the online marketing. Does Wealthy Affiliate help me?

In fact, a college is a perfect place to start your awesome online adventure!

Kyle and Carson – the founders of Wealthy Affiliate were also college students when they began their online business.

And guess what? They did had NO experience at that time.

This is the very reason Wealthy Affiliate was created – To provide people like you the training, the tools, the support… Everything that you need to build up a successful online campaign from scratch.

12. I don’t have a business, and I am not good at writing blogs, neither I have a niche or passion. Would I still benefit from Wealthy Affiliate? How would I make money?

Let me encourage you – many have joined Wealthy Affiliate, and… Listen – they did not have a business, were not good at writing blogs, could not figure out their niche or passions.

However, now they have their online business, a niche and passion and they are also good at writing blog posts and articles.

There are many things that we are not good at if we don’t practice them. But you can get good at anything that you like.

Wealthy Affiliate is designed the way to help you step-by-step into the right direction. Maybe your passion is not a certain niche… Instead, you like to learn about new things or help people. These things could be leveraged, and Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to do this.

It is true that if you start from the scratch then you don’t know much. But when you are already in the process and practice and communicate with other Wealthy Affiliate members, your knowledge base grows, you get better picture, you will find your niche that you are passionate about.

Also, you will be taught how to write blog posts and articles and you will build your own online business.

Therefore, don’t be discouraged. Martin Luther King, Jr has said: „Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.“

That’s why I recommend you to join Wealthy Affiliate FREE Starter membership and you will get rolled into a right direction.

13. I love my day job. Yet I would like to find something that will add to my income. I am a newbie in terms a of computer with no online marketing experience. Can Wealthy Affiliate help me?

Yes, Wealthy Affiliate can help you.

Wealthy Affiliate is designed to help novices like you. It has all the tools, step-by-step training, support and websites to get you up and running.

Besides that, there are many Wealthy Affiliate members who have their full-time jobs and at the same time build up their online campaigns.

When you join Wealthy Affiliate through FREE Starter membership, Getting Started course helps you to find your passion, your niche and to lay a solid foundation for your own online campaign.

It costs you nothing. The only thing that is expected of you is to take action and work toward your goals.

Even if you can invest only few hours every day you still will build up your online success.

14. I don’t know if I will be able to produce enough valuable content to actually drive an income. Does Wealthy Affiliate help me with this?

Yes, Wealthy Affiliate will help you.

There are a lot of training on content within Wealthy Affiliate. There are more than 100 modules dedicated to this subject.

Besides that, Wealthy Affiliate has an remarkably supportive community. There are many seasoned content experts ready to help if you should ever need it.

15. I live in a remote country. Can I still make money through Wealthy Affiliate?

Yes, you can!

The good thing about the online business world is that it is not important where you live. You can achieve success regardless of where you live.

In Wealthy Affiliate community, there are people from all over the world building up their online campaigns.

You can do the same.

16. I have lost money on scams and MLM; I don’t have funds anymore. Does Wealthy Affiliate help me to build up my online business?

Yes, Wealthy Affiliate helps you.

To start your online campaign within Wealthy Affiliate, you don’t need any funds.

You can start with a Wealthy Affiliate Starter account which is entirely FREE.

Of course, there is also a Premium membership ($19 the first month and $47 thereafter), but it is entirely up to you if you want to join it or not. It is not a requirement.

At some point, you may want to buy your domain name which is usually about $10 However, this is not compulsory. Wealthy Affiliate Starter membership includes two fully functional free websites.

Therefore, yes, within Wealthy Affiliate you can start your online business with $0.

17. What is one of the Wealthy Affiliate products?

Within Wealthy Affiliate you are not pushed to promote any product in particular.

Wealthy Affiliate It is not a MLM (see also question #21).

Wealthy Affiliate is an all-inclusive training platform where you will find a community, support, training, hosting and websites.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches and trains you the real way how to build an online business from scratch. You will learn how to lay a foundation – to make a website. Then you will learn how to generate traffic in a proper way; and then how to monetize your site.

18. Is Wealthy Affiliate a MLM company?

No, Wealthy Affiliate is not a MLM company. Wealthy Affiliate is all inclusive training center where you will find courses, trainings, support, websites and community. It teaches and trains you the real way how to build an online business from scratch.

19. How does Wealthy Affiliate differ from MLM?

MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) companies have marketing strategies similar to pyramid schemes (yet when pyramid schemes are scams then MLM are legit). MLM is a business strategy where the company uses its existing distributors’ network to 1) direct sell its products/services and 2) to recruit new distributors. People who join MLM companies, earn the percentage by recruiting new distributors and selling products/services of the MLM Company.

Wealthy Affiliate, on the other hand, teaches you how to build an online business from scratch. It does not push you to promote any product like MLM does. Rather it is an all inclusive platform where you get the training, support, websites, community – to learn and to build your online campaign in a real way.

20. Are there any membership sites in your program that free Wealthy Affiliate members can choose to promote to obtain recurring/passive monthly income?

Yes, Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to promote any affiliate program you like. It can be a recurring commission program or passive income.

21. If I upgrade to Premium membership, will I continue from the free Wealthy Affiliate and I will get access to additional resources? Or I will start an entirely new business, and I have to start all over again?

When you upgrade to Premium membership, you continue where you were in Starter membership. Only This time you have access to much more within Wealthy Affiliate.

Everything that you had created and all the training you had completed in your Starter account is carried over to your Premium account.

22. Will I make money the first month after becoming a member?

Wealthy Affiliate provides you with the tools, training, support and websites that you need in order to succeed.

However, you still have to take action and work hard for your success. Wealthy Affiliate cannot guarantee you success.

There are some people who earn money in their first month. Yet generally speaking you must build a foundation for your online business in the first place. It takes time.

Also, it depends how much time you can invest into your campaign. Some people can allow 2-3 hours per day, others 5-7 hours, yet others 10-12 hours. It makes difference.

Those who want success fast are typically those who run after those „bright shiny objects“ and usually get burned and lose money by different scams.

Again, Wealthy Affiliate provides you everything you need to succeed online. If you take action and invest your time to build up your campaign, it will lead you to inevitable success.

23. How much time will it take to earn my first $100 if I join Wealthy Affiliate?


See the answer to Question 22.

24. Is there an affiliate program option in Wealthy Affiliate?

Yes, Wealthy Affiliate has a lucrative affiliate program that is included in both the Starter and Premium accounts.

25. I am currently working with an MLM company, and I am starting to have some success with it! Can Wealthy Affiliate be used to help promote a network marketed product?


Wealthy Affiliate teaches you step-by-step how to start, build and run a business online.

Once you have your online campaign up and running you may promote whatever products you like. It is entirely up to you.

Wealthy Affiliate is the platform to provide you with the tools, training, support and websites to do that.

You did not find your question here? Please leave your questions in the comment section below and I am happy to answer you: