WOULD YOU be excited if somebody makes you an offer – He would grow your $300 to over a $4653 overnight without you having to do a single thing?
That’s just precisely what Profits Unlimited does. The only problem is (as I will prove below), it’s a hoax.
Therefore, in this review, I am going to give a detailed, fact-based answer to the question, “What is the Profits Unlimited scam?”
[Sidebar: If you are not interested in Scams, check out THIS instead! You’re going to like this (Yes, I am using it since 2013).]
After reading the review below, you will know precisely why you should keep it at bay.
Quick Review
Name: Profit Unlimited (AKA Profit Unlimited App)
Profits Unlimited Login: profitsunlimited.co
Niche: Binary Options trading
Profits Unlimited Price: Signup process free. A minimum deposit of $250.
Alleged Founder: Larry Landers (Michael Clapcott)
Skill level: Beginner (No skills needed)
My Overall Rank: 0 out of 10
Listen! If you want to create a legit passive income stream online, which will reward you for years to come, my recommendation is – Do not mingle with shady Binary Options.
Because Binary Options trading is a high-risk business opportunity which is NOT suitable for ordinary people from the street. If you want to trade Binary Options, be prepared to lose all of your investments.
Seriously? Yes, very seriously!
Therefore, If you are looking ways to make legit side money online and don’t want to get mugged… I recommend you take a completely different (and safer) route.
…Click on the link below to see my #1 preference (Yes, I am using it).
At First, It Looks Like A Normal Training. But Look Closer… It’s Simply Brilliant. And These Testimonials Are Proof.
It’s FREE to get started, too. You’ll like that part…
Full Review – What Is the Profits Unlimited Scam?
The Narrative

LARRY LANDERS, the founder of Profits Unlimited, is one of those ultra-successful Wall Street sharks who make a massive pot of money in all kinds of trading.
Nine years ago, though, this noble gentleman was a homeless (a victim of the brutal economy crash). The crash left him devastated – no job, no home, no girlfriend, no dignity.
He was forced to start from ground zero again. Only then he discovered his unique genius gut feeling for selecting profitable trades. This gut feeling for profits helped him muscle his way into the upper ranks of Wall Street sharks.
Then one sunny day, he decided to create Profits Unlimited – a unique automated trading system that never loses a trade.
Again, long story short, the Profits Unlimited turned out so mega-successful that he was showered with millions. Now, Larry Landers is offering the exact same system to few (ordinary) people for free.
What Is the Profit Unlimited?
Larry Landers claims that he and his expert team created the Profit Unlimited trading software in a completely unique way …
… Profits Unlimited never lose a trade.
According to Larry’s own words, he and his expert team has “developed a unique system that automatically backs out of a trade when it detects the trade isn’t going to win. Your stake is returned, and you don’t lose any money. You only ever break even.
So instead of losing your initial investment, with Profits Unlimited, you simply get it back.”
No profit, but more importantly, no loss either.
Then the system will use your initial investment on the next trade until it finds a winner. When you get a winning trade you can keep 100% of the profits.
Pretty impressive.
So what does Larry promises you?
Promises of the Profits Unlimited
Here is a list of exact promises that Larry Landers gives you:
- Profits Unlimited is a unique automated profit service to ordinary people
- You don’t need any skills or experience.
- You don’t need to do a single thing to make profits. With absolutely no work involved, you can start making consistent daily profits:
- Profits Unlimited is a system that never loses a trade. All you will see is profit.
- Every trade Profits Unlimited makes either wins or brakes even. It never loses.
- You can use the Profits Unlimited system for free.
- You’ll have no software to worry about
- You’ll have no charts to monitor
- You will have $300 (welcome bonus) deposited into your account – just for signing up. Once this account hits $1000 in profits, the system will automatically deduct the $300, and you keep whatever’s left.
- To start making daily profits, you just need to do one thing – enter your name and email. As soon as you’ve done that, you can begin profiting.
This is what Larry Lander’s promises to you.
However, as I will show you below, they rather belong into the fairy tale “Binary Options scam” folklore.
What is the Profits Unlimited Scam – The Price
The promotional video of Profits Unlimited is misleading. In that video, Larry Landers makes it plain clear that he will give you the Profits Unlimited software for free. This claim of his happens to be true indeed.
Also, he promises to deposit $300 into your trading account – as soon as you have signed up and opened your registered account.
It might lead one to think that you don’t need to invest at all.
Wrong. So very, hopelessly, cluelessly wrong.
To start trading using Profits Unlimited, you must sign up a broker (of their choice) in the first place. Then, you must fund your trading account with an initial investment of $250 minimum. Does Larry Landers tell you that?
No. Never.
And he never mutters anything about the fact that they expect way more significant “investments” from you. That’s how they make killings. The free software and $300 deposited on your account are nothing but bites.
So don’t be fooled. They are after your hard-earned cash. If you don’t want to get mugged, keep them at arm’s length.
Tired of scams? Here’s something you can do, at home and at your own pace, to create your own passive income stream online
It’s FREE to get started, too (no credit card required). You’ll like that part…
Profits Unlimited – 12 Warning Signs
Warning Sign #1: Fake Larry Landers
This guy is nothing but a fictional character made up to trick your brain into believing that you have stumbled upon an opportunity of a lifetime.
Don’t eat their bite, though. No search (however deep) brings to light ANY traces of this mystical Wall Street shark called Larry Landers. If he were a real person and a real Wall Street trader, there would be traces left behind. But there are none. Not a single one. At least not here on Earth.
So this phantom Larry Landers is… Either one of those Martians or he is fake (played by an actor).
Warning Sign #2: Michael Clapcott – The Real Person behind PU
As you can see from the Whois Domaintools Record, the real registrant of Profits Unlimited is Michael Clapcott:
See, this Michael Clapcott is associated with another 75 domains. Guess what his ten most popular sites are? These:
Can you trust a man who runs one scam after another, siphoning off people’s savings while keeping his coffers overflowing?
Warning Sign #3: Launch Year
Profits Unlimited login page says that Profits Unlimited is creating profits since 2013
However, the whois.net Lookup database says that the site was only registered on the 12th of February 2016. And the Profits Unlimited download page you are redirected to was registered on the 16th of February 2016. A
So as you see, there’s an apparent conflict here.
Warning Sign #4: Logos of Big Names to build trust (never on the news)
Using “As seen on,” followed by brand logos, is an old tactic of con artists to build their victims’ trust.
However, the Profits Unlimited scam provides no concrete source (other than a vague “as seen on Bloomberg, CNN, and Forbes.”)
Again, don’t take the bite – you can find NO place where any of these three companies have mentioned Profits Unlimited (or recommended it).
Warning Sign #5: Fake Security signs (not clickable)
Exactly the same goes for Fake Security signs. They are there to build your trust, but if you pay closer attention – you will see, these signs are not clickable:
Warning Sign #6: Fake Testimonials
Using fake testimonials is such a widely used tactic these days that it is just disgusting. Look at the image below. There are hundreds of people in Fiverr, all desperate to sell you a hoax video testimonial:
What is most disturbing here is the fact that all these people are willing to lie. For pocket money ($4.71), they sell their soul and dignity. They are mere actors, pretending to be a happy user of some particular product.
Now, let’s come back to Profit Unlimited. That’s what all these testimonials mean. Either paid actors have been used (for video testimonials), or the images have been downloaded (stolen) from the internet.
Don’t believe me?
Loot at the people giving killer testimonials in the Profits Unlimited login page:
Now let’s take the first one of them – Roy O’Shea. His photo was taken from the Shutterstock (in fact, his real name is Aleksander Stojkovic):
The next one in the list – Oscar Mason. This photo was also taken from Shutterstock (as you can see, Shutterstock even gives an ID for the model):
Or let’s take Pauline Hart – the fourth excited testimonial giver in the list. Her image was taken from Dallas Portrait and Headshot Photography website:
See! All the testimonials in the Profits Unlimited login page are nothing but fabrications.
No Genius software. No genuine positive reviews to give you proof that Profits Unlimited generates automated profits for you. Etc., etc.
How can you trust them if they lie through their teeth?
The answer is – You can’t. Plain and simple.
Warning Sign #7: No Experience Needed. Really?
Plain wrong again.
The fictional Larry Landers claims that trading with Profits Unlimited is super simple –
… You don’t need any skills or previous experience in trading… You don’t need to monitor any charts.
In fact, you don’t need to do ANYTHING as Profits Unlimited is a 100% automated system and will start showering you with cash as soon as you have completed the signup process.
However, anybody with even a half brain will understand this is such utter nonsense. The Profits Unlimited Disclaimer (profitsunlimited.co/disclaimer.html) is much more truthful:
And again:
Don’t believe the lies of scam artists. Binary Options is speculative and high-risk trading opportunity and may result in the loss of your entire investment.
Therefore, make sure you read this before you jump into Binary Options trading.
Warning Sign #8: Positive Reviews Come Only by Affiliates
This is a gruesome business, and I mean it. Or how do you take the following (plain false) claims – taken from positive Profit Unlimited reviews:
These affiliates (in order to make some more bucks) are lying with a straight face. Larry Landers and well known?
It makes me outrageous when I read outright lies from so-called unbiased reviewers whose only purpose is to make money on you.
Warning Sign #9: No Independent Testimonials
Click through these unlimited profits reviews that you find on the internet, and you will see – You will find no comments that provide customer feedback.
Profits Unlimited Complaints
Here is one, just to prove the product is NOT what this fictional Larry Landers tries to make you believe:
Similar Scams
There are many of them so let me list only a few of them (which I have reviewed already):
Push Money App, Tauribot by Dr. Steven Archer, Millionaires Blueprint (= Free Money System by Walter Green), Click for Cash by Carl Randolf, Centument by Gerald Reed, Citidel Investment App by Kent Grifly, etc., etc.
Final Verdict
What Is The Profits Unlimited Scam? Now you know. It is full of lies and fabrication – beginning with its phantom founder Larry Landers and ending with false testimonials.
Therefore, after doing my research, I have come to the conclusion that Profits Unlimited is a Cruel Binary options scam. It is designed by Michael Clapcott to rip off ordinary, unsuspecting people.
Much Safer Way to Make Legitimate Money Online
Whatever the reason might be why you want to make money online…
…Be it your financial freedom.. or more quality time with your kids and spouse.. or security in old age.. desire to travel the world.. more time for your hobbies or sports.. Or to help you pay your bills, bless your grandchildren (if you have them), etc.
You know the “why.” I can only confirm and encourage you – you are on the right track. Seriously!
YES! It is absolutely possible to make side money (or even a second income) online. AND it is possible to do it WITHOUT getting involved in high-risk Binary Options trading and other scams that deceive you into a major disaster.
Here is, in my humble opinion, by far the most complete and newbie-friendly program for creating a thriving internet business from home.
If you’d rather make money than blow your lifetime of savings… Why not try this? Yes, it’s FREE to get started, too (no credit card required)
Do it now. Sometimes ‘later’ becomes ‘never.’
What About You?
Thank you for reading my detailed review of Profits Unlimited.
So what do you think – What is the Profits Unlimited – scam or not?
Do you have any experience with it (good or bad) that you want to share? Please leave me a comment in the comment section below.
Stay safe!
Egon (EgonSarvReviews.com)
there is another trading newsletter called Profits Unlimited produced by Paul Mampilly. It probably is ok it seems but has the same name.
but I don’t understand why the whole presentation is from Paul Mampilly, nothing is said about binary trading? so whats it all about?
Hey, Peter, and thank you for the comment.
As for Paul Mampilli… I don’t understand. I have not mentioned him in my post. As for binary options trading… Well I explained that it is a risky and highly speculative business opportunity. I also gave a link to my detailed Binary Options review.
To everyone out there, I’d like to share my experience in the hopes you are not fooled into making a quick “knee jerk” purchase like all the goodies they leave near the checkout counter in every major store throughout the planet. These are purely impulsive buys which in this case can turn into a disaster. Unlike the chocolate bar you wish you never bought.
I am a hard work individual from the USA who has lived overseas for most of my life, around 28 years. So I have seen many scams perpetrated by some really sketchy characters from all parts of the globe. I have lived in the hub of Asia, Bangkok and parts of the Philippines where many expats primarily from Europe and North American go to hide from something. Either they have a job with a multinational company or they teach English at a reputable and accredited school making around $2,000 USD a month. This is more than enough to live a comfortable lifestyle in Asia if you are frugal and wise with your financial matters.
My story is very rare in the sense I grew up here literally on a plane to Bangkok, Thailand on the day of my graduation. This was supposed to be just a 3 or 4 week vacation my Dad was giving me for my graduation. Boy, was I in for a wild ride. To be short, I should have known this the second I saw it but the presentation of this “scam” is very well painted into a fascade of lies of get rich quick notions that do no exist in today’s World especially online. Much skill and dedication is needed to succeed in making one life relatively comfortable from the standpoint of earning an honest living.
I have been scammed by some pretty big companies and private individuals to know when anything is too good to be true it’s quite the opposite. I do Internet marketing for a living and this is nothing but that professionally done to deceive others into buying something that only benefits the marketer and bleeds the everyday hard working Joe or Jane.
In today’s World of fake news and rapid processes of information being thrown into our brains all at one time this type scheme is preying on just that and using old tried and true to form methods of marketing that can dazzle even the trained eye into delusions of grandeur. Especially the way our World economy is this type of scheme and no doubt many others just like it shall be popping up every day.
Do your research as explained in this article just by some quick fact checking such as a simple domain name “WHOIS” search and go through the timelines so convincingly laid out with all the fake notariety which even makes this more devious than your average scam. Not to mention, the old bait and switch tactics which try to pry as much cash out of you as possible. With various levels of deception all designed to extract your hard earned money from your wallet.
Evil such as this should be exposed and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law but unfortunately, people like this are like rats or a disease that will always pop up.
Nobody is going to sell or even tell you how to make 10 times your money in as little as 6 months or a year. If they could, then everybody would be rich and these fools would be World renowned. Please don’t be fooled by the obvious signs so eloquently spoken of in this blog.
I wasn’t scammed for much but as I dug deeper I could see how brilliantly this particular scam is laid out based on how the victim reacts. Don’t be fooled and I consider my experience a wake-up call to protect my hard earned assets especially from typical Internet get rich quick nonsense. This is coming from someone who lost 2 million USD during the early 2000s from corporations specifically 3rd party billing companies which back them where new and no specific laws or guidelines where set.
If it’s too good to be true, trust me it’s a scam. They only got $79 from me which by the way was supposed to be only $47 as they cleverly add options near the end of the signup process which can easily be overlooked. I’m a web designer and I thought this type of practice was outlawed years ago but it still goes on. I’m surprised the 3rd party billing company itself is even processing these transactions. They are certainly getting paid a handsome sum for such a high risk on their own business.
Hey, CMW, and thank you very much for your wonderful, detailed comment. It was interesting reading and it clarifies a lot. It helps to understand how ordinary people get scammed all over the world on a daily basis. So tragic. That’s why I run this website – to protect people from falling prey to cyber criminals.
And you are correct – much skill, work, and dedication is needed to make honest money online. And that’s why, in my humble opinion, Wealthy Affiliate is the best training vehicle you can find. They never promise you heavens by tomorrow. What they promise, though, is to teach you on how to create, run, and grow a successful online business – even if you happen to be a complete dummy at the moment. And they give you everyting you need to achieve that – Certification courses and tons of other training, tools, state of the art hosting, full support system, etc.
All one needs is dedication.
At any rate… It works. And here’s the proof
Thank you again,
Stay safe.
I have never heard of Profits Unlimited before and going by your thorough review, I don’t want to have anything to do with them either.
It’s tragic how people get caught in these scams and lose their hard earned cash, because they don’t check them out properly.
You should never presume that any opportunity that is presented to you because it looks glossy and has great reviews is a good offer.
You need to find some independent reviews of it and don’t go ahead with the offer until you are convinced that it is legitimate.
Thank you for the feedback, Adrian. Whatever way you came to this page I am thankful that you took time to drop a helpful comment to other readers.
You are right, one should be very careful when choosing what program to join. In fact (I’m ashamed to say), I once did exactly that – I did not bother to check and recheck… and I just trusted… Hey! I got burned and had to pay the price. Click on the link to read more about how I got scammed (and also, how you can avoid it):