How to Unblock Videos Using Proxy? (fast)

How to Unblock Videos Using Proxy? (fast)

Have you ever stumbled upon the following problem…

…You wanted to watch a movie, a video tutorial, or a TV program, but you get the message that you come from the wrong country. Therefore you cannot watch it.


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These are called video region restrictions and can become extremely frustrating.

Hey, you are *not* planning anything illegal. You happen to be in a “wrong” country. That’s why it can be so frustrating.

So, therefore, in this short tutorial, I show you how to unblock videos so that you can watch them.

Problems With Watching Videos Online

A few years ago, my family and I moved to Indonesia. My wife wanted to continue watching her favorite TV program that she had watched back in the home. In Indonesia, though, it was not possible. Why?

 Simple — Video region restrictions.

I found myself in a similar situation. I take Wealthy Affiliate online courses about Internet Marketing. These courses include many excellent video tutorials. These videos teach you a lot.

In Indonesia, though, I couldn’t watch them anymore. Terrible news as these videos are part of the training. If I cannot watch them, I miss a significant portion of the training.

After learning that all Wealthy Affiliate videos were uploaded to, I discovered the secret to the problem. Namely, some time ago, Indonesia had banned for allegedly containing pornography.

Now let me make it clear: I don’t want to watch porn! I want to watch Internet Marketing training tutorials. These, too, are banned. It is good that Indonesia is fighting against online pornography. The question is, how can I have access to my study materials?

So what do you do in this situation? After banning, the site looks like this:


Luckily, there are quite a few solutions to get around video region restrictions and unblock such videos. Some of those solutions cost you money while others are too complicated.

To solve similar problems, I show you one easy way to set up and use a proxy to watch videos.

How to Set Up a Proxy?

It takes just a few minutes to set it up if you follow the instructions below.

1. Use the Firefox browser.

2. Install the FoxyProxy add-on. After the installation, you should see the small FoxyProxy icon next to the URL box. We need it soon.


3. Go to the HMA proxy list page and scroll down until you see the title: „Free IP: Port Proxy List.“

4. Choose the country of your choice. The best option is to select the country where your desired video locates. For example, if the video sits on some US server, choose “The United States.”


5. Deselect „Socks4/5“.

6. Hit „Update Results. “

7. Now scroll down until you see the current list of proxy servers for that particular country.

8. Choose a proxy with good characteristics (both bars next to the country name should be blue). Also, you see its IP Address and the port number. We need them soon.


9. Now click on the FoxyProxy icon next to the browser’s URL box (see step #2). A new window, “FoxyProxy Standard,” will open.


10. Click „Add New Proxy. “ The FoxyProxy Settings Window will open.

11. Head back over to the HMA page (see step #8) and copy the IP address of your selected proxy. Then head back to “FoxyProxy Settings” and paste it into theHost or IP Addressfield.


12. Head back over to the HMA page and copy the Port number of your selected proxy. Then head back to “FoxyProxy Settings” and paste it into thePortfield.

13. After that, click „OK. “ That’s it. Your proxy has been set up.


How to Use a Proxy?

1. To turn on the proxy, click on the FoxyProxy icon. It will open the „FoxyProxy Standard“ window.

2. From the „Select Mode:“ choose your newly created proxy (the IP address you previously chose).

How-to-unblock-videos-using-proxy-use proxy

3. Hit the „Close“ button. Now, you should be able to stream.

4. To turn off proxy, click on the FoxyProxy icon and hit „Completely disable FoxyProxy“ from the „Select Mode. “That’s it.


What Are Some of the Drawbacks?

There are three drawbacks of using a proxy that you should consider before starting to use it.

1. Using proxy services, you make yourself highly vulnerable. All your back-and-forth traffic between your computer and the internet goes through another computer (the proxy). It means that the one who controls that proxy can see your usernames, passwords, etc. So when using a proxy, NEVER send any sensitive information through it!

2. Not all countries consider using a proxy as a legal activity. It is legal in the US, but you have to check the local rules in your country. Otherwise, you may end up with legal problems. For Example, in New Zealand, it may or may not be copyright infringement.

3. Free proxies tend to be unstable. They can be fast today but very slow tomorrow. So you probably have to change them often.


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In no way do I advocate illegal or unethical activities. Sometimes, you are put into disadvantages just because you travel a lot or happen to live in countries where some websites are banned. For cases like these, I created this tutorial. Hopefully, it helps you solve these problems.

Let me know your thoughts. Did it help you to set up a proxy to watch videos? Or how did you solve your problem?



  1. Hi, Egon

    Excellent information on how to unblock videos using proxy :) I’m from the UK and have never experienced such problems but I do know of other online business owners who have. I will definitely forward your blog post to them as it will be a massive help.

    Thanks, Neil

    • Egon Sarv says:

      Huh… Now I have to say sorry for my late reply :) But I am glad if you found it useful. Thank you again for the feedback, Neil.

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