MY 10K MODEL promises you Easy $500 – $1,000 commissions. It even says, “Up to $1,000 INSTANT commissions.” Wow!
This obviously raises the questions, “Is My 10K Model a Scam or legit?” and “Can I really make $1,000 a day in commissions with it as they promise?”And “Is it really as easy as they claim?”
Well, what I propose to today is to answer these and other related questions in My 10K Model review below. So let me dive right into the details. Please read the review below and see if the platform can help you achieve your financial goals.
[Sidebar: If you are not interested in MLMs or Scams, check out THIS instead! You’re going to like this.]
Quick Review
Name: My 10K Model
Creation date: 2016-07-21
Price: $25 at the lowest tier
Founder/owner: Michael Mansell
Alleged Skill level: Beginner
My Overall Rank: 2 out of 10
My Verdict: Some of the marketing education could be repurposed to sell other products and services, so My 10K Model isn’t a complete waste of time. But there are other, better ways to learn these techniques that aren’t attached to a scammy MLM scheme.
Better ALTERNATIVE to the My 10K Model that will help you make $1200+ a month online. And these testimonials are proof.
It’s free to get started, too (no credit card required). You’ll like that part.
What is My 10K Model About? is nothing but a squeeze page promising simple automated marketing and prompting you to enter your email address.
There is no information on the page at all. Therefore, in my opinion, even if it’s not a complete scam, you should avoid it on principle, to keep people from littering the internet with these kinds of pages.
With a little research, I learn that My 10K Model is a project of internet marketer Michael Mansell, who has also created Easy 1 Up, Green Room Academy, and probably more ventures that are less easy to find. The My 10K Model scam is apparently the most recent of his offerings.
Put simply, My 10K Model is an affiliate program where you promote Michael Mansell’s Easy 1 Up system. Easy 1 Up is an MLM (multi-level-marketing) scheme.
Ostensibly, the product that is being sold is the marketing training offered through My 10K Model (that you use to sell the system).
But here’s the kicker:
Primarily what people are buying is a place in the Easy 1 Up pyramid.
My 10K Model is the recruitment and marketing arm of Easy 1 Up. You cannot make any money at all through My 10K Model; the only part of the system that earns any possible revenue back to the member is through Easy 1 Up.
How My 10K Model Works
While the system itself doesn’t disclose any information about what it is or how it works, other people online have bought into it and shared their experiences. Here’s how My 10K Model works:
- You sign up through My 10K Model website
- You must join the system in order to learn any of the details or what it is about. The lowest level of membership is Elevation, at $25. Many people start there, paying the $25 to learn more
At the Elevation level, you get:
- Access to Michael Mansell’s coaching
- Michael’s Lead Methods
- A customizable sales funnel
- Training on YouTube ranking
- A social messenger sales funnel system
To be fair, you could use many of these methods to promote any product, not just Easy 1 Up. That being said, be warned, the system is geared toward Easy 1 Up and, since you are already a member, they persuade you to sell that product anyway.
[Sidebar: By the way, MOBE and Empower Network are two other similar MLM style pyramid schemes. There too, you can only make money when 1) you buy their ultra-expensive info products and 2) recruit other people, then tell them to do the same.]
Easy 1 Up Levels And Prices
As I already mentioned above, the lowest (entry) level of membership is called Elevation. It is going to cost you $25. The Easy 1 Up levels beyond Elevation are as follows:
- Elevation Elite: $100
- Vertex: $250
- Vertex Elite: $500
- Vertex Pro: $1000
- At Vertex Elite and Vertex Pro levels, you get access to the Traffic Rotator, which drives traffic to your funnel
Also, if you join at a low level, you can only earn commissions for new members who join at your level or lower. All your new referrals who join at a higher level than you are, have their commissions routed to the affiliate above you in the pyramid. You are left with empty hands.
For example, if you join at the Elevation level for $25, but then you sell someone the product, and they join at the Vertex level, you don’t get any commission on that sale.
The Traffic Rotator and this limitation on commissions are how Michael encourages you to raise your own membership to the higher levels. After all, you don’t want to miss out on any commissions from memberships you sell, do you? This, of course, means investing more and more of your own hard-earned money. And that’s just exactly what he wants.
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Is My 10K Model a scam?
My 10K Model is the point of entry to a pyramid-like MLM scheme. It is not, in itself, really a scam, because some of the My 10K Model marketing methods are legitimate.
What’s scammy about it is the way that they aren’t transparent with visitors about what the offering is and how it works. The insistence that you give up your email address to contact them, and then pay $25 to join before they even disclose what the product is and how it works, is the hallmark of a scammer.
By forcing you to join and invest without information and disclosure, they recruit unwitting new members, who now feel that they have to turn around and sell memberships themselves to recover their investment.
Easy 1 Up is a scam. MLM schemes, while highly suspect, are not illegal. What makes Easy 1 Up a scam is that it does not actually sell or exchange any products or services. It merely seeks to expand and take more money from more people.
Questionable Endorsements for My 10K Model
The other downside of MLM schemes that heavily use internet marketing techniques is that they become challenging to research and obtain accurate information about. There aren’t that many unbiased My 10K Model reviews. In this case, it’s a bad sign that known scammer David Harris heavily endorses My 10K Model through He is himself a member of Easy 1 Up and promotes his own My 10K Model affiliate link beneath his glowing 5-star review.
David describes a slightly different commission structure for My 10K Model, but he is also directing visitors to rather than Michael Mansell may be doing some A/B testing with slightly different configurations of the recruitment structure.
At any rate, these questionable reviews and endorsements don’t make the product seem more legitimate; they make it look more like a scam.
Pros and Cons
- Access to Michael Mansell coaching and training
- The training allows you to promote any product
- Cheap entry price ($25)
- My 10K Model is nothing but a recruitment arm for Michale Mansell’s Easy 1 Up program
- The whole system is geared toward Easy 1 Up, and you will be persuaded to buy and promote Easy 1 Up
- To make any money with My 10K Model, you must buy its more expensive levels/info products (from $100 to $1,000)
- Easy 1 Up has an MLM-pyramid style structure where you are required to 1) buy the products and 2) recruit others, then tell them to do the same.
- is not transparent with its visitors – No description of the product, no Risk Disclaimer, no nothing.
Final Verdict
To sum it up, and in my humble opinion, it’s better to spend your time and money elsewhere and get more objective, useful information about internet marketing. Whatever his internet marketing skills may be, Michael Mansell seems to prefer making money by exploiting people’s weaknesses and drawing them into sketchy schemes, rather than honestly educating and empowering others.
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What About You?
Thank you for reading the My 10K Model Review. I hope you found the information you were looking for. What do you think – Is My 10K Model a scam or legit? Do you have any experience with the platform (good or bad)? Please share your experience by dropping a comment below.
Stay safe,
Egon (
Open to anything. Will try anything once a sysco business major in Colorado And 2 well renowned businesses. Seems interesting. Give me time to understand. We will look into this and then my partner and I will let you know. Monica and Mark
Hi, Mark Williams. Thank you for the feedback. Just take all the time you need to test the platform. Put it to the test and see if it can help you achieve your financial goals.
And just to encourage you – there’s no time pressure. Move in your own pace.
Thanks so much Egon for the honest review/article. I got a phone call from 10k model, 910-xxx-xxxx and it gives you a quick review of the program. It informs you to go to the website http://www.xxxxxxcode dot com to watch a video to get started. I decided to look for reviews before going to the website.
Egon is there an online business that you would recommend? If so please let me know.
I thank everyone who left an honest reply. Saved me time and money. I was hesitant when I saw Micheal Mansell’s photo. He looked like a cranks terms 2 seconds away from dumpster diving.
Hey, Pamela, and thank you for your feedback. I am glad you decided to take a cautious approach and not to join the My 10K Model. I am pretty sure you would have lost your money with the program. I personally have lost money that way. It was a different program but their idea was the same – lure you in and get your money.
Have you already found something reliable that helps you learn on how to make legit income online?
Easy 1 up is a rehatch product package. The 10k model would make it sound Like it’s the number 1 product in the world. But be aware if you’re a begginer this is not the program for you. You will fail. I have join E1UP at the top level and learned nothing. The products are long boring videos that teaches internet marketing methods that doesn’t work anymore. Don’t believe me go ahead buy in and you will see for yourself. Thank for the honest review.