Is Project Payday Scam or an Opportunity for the Average Joe? (Review)

Is Project Payday Scam or an Opportunity for the Average Joe? (Review)

“A realistic extra income for the Average Joe.” That’s what the Project Payday promotesWith the “average Joe,” they mean you and me, right? It is a regular person with a family, bills to pay, and never-ending uphill struggle to make ends meet.

tHere’s the solution though – Project Payday – just perfect for the average Joe. Something that actually works. Only, well, s Project Payday scam or not?

I did extensive research on Project Payday, and below is my review. Please read it and see whether the Project Payday is for you or not.

[Sidebar: If you are not interested in Scamscheck out THIS instead! You’re going to like this.]

Quick Summary

Name: Project Payday / Traffic Brokers
Websites: and
Alleged Founder: Jeff Walker
Level: Beginner
Subscription: Credit Card required
My verdict: Not scam. However, it is a risky and mostly huge waste of time.
My Ranking: 3 out of 10


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Full Review – Is Project Payday Scam?

Let’s start with Jeff Walker – the founder of Project Payday. Different from many other outright scams, like The Millionaire BlueprintPush Money App, Click for Cash, etc., the founder of Project Payday is a real person. That’s good.

Even better, Jeff Walker – the $400 million man, is a highly successful and respected marketer who is featured even by Forbes. This fact alone adds a considerable amount of trust to his product.

I don’t know, though, why he made his Project Payday site confusing like that. Just try to go to the, and it sends you to the Traffic Brokers sales page. Why?

The real Project Payday login page is here:

Project Payday sign up page

Hit that “Home” link, though, and they send you to Traffic Brokers sales page again. Confusing, right?

It turns out that these two seem to be the same product. Check the BBB (Better Business Bureau) website, and that’s what you will see:

Project Payday and Traffic Brokers have the same address

Now check, and you will see that both sites have been around quite many years already:

Project Payday was first registered in 2006

That is a good sign because scams usually will not survive that long.

Now, how about pricing?

Is Project Payday Scam – Pricing

This is the place where Project Payday differs from Traffic Brokers. If you want to try the program, Traffic Brokers require you to buy 7-day trial membership for $4.95. After that, it is $49.95 per month:

How much does it cost to subscribe Project Payday

Project Payday, however, gives you free access if you subscribe to one of their sponsors’ offers:

Project Payday give you free access if you subscribe to one of their sponsors' offers

As you see, they are in affiliate marketing and make commissions by introducing you to their sponsors.

You will get full free access indeed, but for that, you have to subscribe using your credit card.

Which brings us to the next point:

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Why not make it the very next thing you do? 


How to Make Money With Project Payday?

There are two options to make money within Project Payday:

  1. With CPA (Cost Per Action) affiliate marketing
  2. With Project Payday referral program

1. Make Money With CPA Affiliate Marketing System.

The core of Project Payday money-making strategy is CPA (or Cost Per Action) Affiliate Marketing. CPA is “an online advertising pricing model where the advertiser pays for each specified action.” (Source: Wikipedia) That action could be a click, form submit, subscription, etc.

How does it work?

Big companies like NetFlix, LifeLock,, DiscoverCard, etc., are constantly looking for new customers. Therefore, they are willing to pay for you (or anyone else) to try their product.

Project Payday joins its affiliate program and introduces YOU to the NetFlix (for example). In return, NetFlix pays a commission to the Project Payday for introducing you to them.

But what if Project Payday could introduce tens of thousands to NetFlix? Or, if they could introduce YOU to hundreds of companies? Either way, they could make a killing.

That’s precisely what they do: They join tons of affiliate programs that have CPA offers. Then they give you a list of these offers where and tell you: “Here’s the deal: If you subscribe for free CPA trials. For each completed subscription, they pay you $1.50. They, of course, make bigger commissions by introducing you to their sponsors. It’s like they make $20 for introducing you to them, and from that $20, they pay you $1.50 for joining them.

It sounds like an easy extra income, right? Just click on Project Payday offers, join for their free trial and $1.50 comes in.

Project Payday calls it Method 1.

Hey! Just to warn you, this method is risky, tricky, and may cost you more than you earn. Frankly, I do not like the method. And, as much as I have researched, people don’t make money with Method 1.


Let me explain.

There are a few problems with this method:

Problem #1: Each time you subscribe to these trials, you have to give out your credit card details. There’s just no other way to start your trial. You can’t use bottle caps or pocket lint. Now think about it! To make any meaningful amount of money, you have to subscribe hundreds (or thousands) of trials, haven’t you? All these require your credit card data. Are you prepared to plaster your credit card information all over the Internet? I am not.

Problem #2: Most of the offers are not free. This means that you have to use your own money, thus putting your bank account at risk.

Problem #3: The payment works out somewhere between $1 and $2 per hour. Is that worth your time?

Problem #4: Obviously, all these subscriptions come with a catch – If you do not cancel by the end of the period you will get charged. Therefore, be a good reader.  If you don’t want to get charged, you have to CANCEL before the trial period expires.

Now that’s tricky, especially if you have subscribed tons of offers. Be extremely careful to unsubscribe before it’s too late, or you pay hefty penalties. Frankly, how many such penalties are you prepared to digest?

Problem #5: Remember, advertisers usually don’t want you to cancel. Therefore, the process might not be a cakewalk. To unsubscribe, you often have to make a call (and sometimes even yell at them).

Even worse, if nobody answers, what then? Therefore, before you subscribe, make sure you know how to cancel. Check that there are contact emails, phone numbers, etc.

That’s a lot of risk for such a little reward.

2. Make Money With Project Payday Referral Program

This is called Method 2, and it is the second option that you can use to make money with Project Payday.

In the case of Method 2, you avoid touching these “poisonous” credit card required trials. Instead, you look for others who want to join these free trials and thus do the heavy lifting for you. And still, get paid.

Unsurprisingly, this is the primary way a big majority of Project Payday members make their income. And that’s why you see so many Project Payday promotional videos on Youtube of people, all desperate to push Project Payday.

Anyway, here’s the central question: Can the average Joe do it?

Unfortunately, the answer is No.


First, “make money online” is by far the most saturated niche online. If you (or that average Joe in our case) know nothing (or very little) about making money online, driving traffic, SEO, keywords, etc., you don’t have a chance.

If you read the bios of whatever seasoned internet marketers, you will learn that most of them have spent at least a couple of years to get these skills under their belts. The fact is, it takes time and sweating for the average Joe to master the game.

Remember! To make any meaningful income with Project Payday, you need to know how to get tons of traffic. Do you know how to get it? Because it’s crucial. They pay you $1.50 per lead and it’s not recurring! So you need a whopping 1500 new leads every month to make $1,500 per month.

The average Joe without skills and experience cannot do it.


Project Payday Complaints

You can find both positive and negative testimonials. Remember, though, that there are thousands of desperate Project Payday promoters out there. All they have just one purpose – to ram the product down your throat. Therefore, be cautious with their testimonials. This complaint here sheds a bit of light on the issue:

Many who promote Project Payday, in fact outright lie

$65.000 in two days – Don’t buy it.

OK, Project Payday makes it crystal clear that they are not a “get quick rich” scheme. That’s what they say:

“And most importantly – Project Payday is NOT a “Get Rich Quick” scam. In fact, we guarantee that you will NOT get rich with Project Payday.”

Truth be told, if you are willing to put in some hard work, it is possible to make some money with them indeed. Here is a positive Project Payday testimonial:

Project Payday testimonial - it is not a scam

And again:

Project Payday testimonial - not scam


And now, just to balance it, here are some negative Project Payday experiences. Look at this:

Negative testimonial about project payday

And this:

Project Payday Complaints - teachings are outdated

And this:

Project payday is not worth the time and money


Final Verdict – Is Project Payday Scam?

So, what do I say? Is Project Payday Scam? Based on my research results, I cannot say so. Because it has survived 10+ years, so it obviously cannot be an outright scam (Scams don’t survive that long).

That being said, does Project Payday work? Yes. It IS possible to make money within Project Payday indeed. But…

  1. It requires hard work and a lot of time to make ANY meaningful income.
  2. RISK: If you go for Cost Per Action Affiliate Marketing System, you put your credit card information and bank account at risk. The very real risk is involved.
  3. The payout works out about $1 or $2 per hour, which is a real waste of time.
  4. If you go for the Project Payday referral program, you will have to pull your own teeth to get anywhere with it.


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Share Your Ideas:

Thank you for reading my Project Payday scam review. I hope you found what you were looking for. So now that you have reached the end of the review, what do you think – Is Project Payday a scam or not?

Do you have any experience with the product that you want to share? Please leave me a comment below.


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