Is Take Surveys for Cash a Scam or Legit - It's Not What You Expect. See Why

Is Take Surveys for Cash a Scam or Legit – It’s Not What You Expect. See Why

“DISCOVER a weird trick I use to make over $3,500 per month taking paid surveys online” – Jason White, the king of paid surveys.

That’s how Take Surveys for Cash advertise their website, services, and products.

But is it a real deal? Can you really make hundreds or even thousands of dollars by taking paid surveys online?

Is Take Surveys for Cash a Scam or Legit?

Let’s dive right into the details and see if you can take it as a trustworthy dance partner.

[Sidebar: If you are not interested in scamscheck out THIS instead! You’re going to like this.]

Quick Review

Take Surveys for Cash is a scam. Here's its logoName: Take Surveys for Cash
Registered on: 2011-01-17
Skill Level: Beginner
Price: $39 (initial cost + full of upsells)
Overall Rank: 0/10

My Verdict: Is it possible to make money online by taking surveys for cash? Yes!

Is the best way to do it? No! Don’t bother with this nonsense. And please keep me updated if anyone ever does get the word about that free vacation.


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Full Review: Is Take Surveys For Cash a Scam or Legit

Take Surveys for Cash starts with the claim that Jason White has made $274,000 taking surveys online, and helped his friends and family earn millions taking surveys online.

What about Jason White Take Surveys for Cash


He claims that companies are desperate for your opinions and willing to pay “large sums of money” to get them. He has discovered a secret trick to having his inbox filled with paid survey invites every day.

Interestingly, all the way on the bottom of the page, you will note that ClickBank owns the site:

Is the Take Surveys for Cash a scam or legit


So it’s not just selling a secret trick to making big money by taking surveys. It’s also an affiliate marketing program.

What is Take Surveys For Cash Offering?

It can take some time to find the actual offer, but here’s what Take Surveys For Cash includes:

  • Access to new surveys only for residents of [your area] (the specific location updates depending on your IP address)
  • Access to the same surveys Jason White takes every day, which you won’t find anywhere else
  • Instructions on how to get started taking surveys
  • Free gifts from survey companies
  • The price keeps shifting down the longer you refuse to sign up (It starts at $39 and bottoms out at $12).

The claim of exclusive secret surveys is nonsense, of course. Also, it directly contradicts the premise that these companies are desperate for people’s opinions (they aren’t).

It’s not hard to find paid surveys to begin with. Nor is it difficult to take surveys. (here’s another similar online survey site).

The guy simply wants you to use his list because that way you will sign up with survey sites using his affiliate links.

4 Proofs: Take Surveys for Cash is a Scam

Proof #1: Fake Jason White

Fake Jason White - the king of paid surveysThe Take Surveys for Cash website is clearly built around Jason White – their star earner. In fact, he says he is known as the king of paid surveys.

However, there are no photos (or face images) of that mysterious Jason White, the king. Truth be told, he is like a ghost – telling you all the fancy success stories but refusing to show you his face.

Not only that. Jason White also claims that:

  • He makes $3,500 per month by taking paid surveys online
  • He’s been taking paid surveys online since 2009
  • Since 2009 he’s earned over $274,000 (by taking paid surveys online)
  • The companies entirely trust Jason White and accept all he refers
  • etc., etc.

Now, what do you think? This guy (Jason White) should have left a vast number of digital footprints behind, right? Because, after all, he’s been actively involved in the make-money-online world. And that for a decade already!

He is famous. He is an influencer. He is a KING of paid surveys…

… Yet when I try to find those footprints, I can find none. I cannot even find his photo (his face image). There are Jason White software programmers, etc. But no Jason White the king of paid surveys.

Thus, the only conclusion that I have come – Jason White is a fake character.

And it’s not surprising because that’s what scammers do.

For example, people like Austin Ford (SnapCash Binary),  John Becker (1K Daily Profits), Matthew Michaels (Instant Income App), Edward Robinson (the Orion Code), etc. – All of them are fake characters, played by actors.

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Proof #2: Take Surveys for Cash Free Vacation Offer

The most interesting claim in the offer is the free gift.

Jason White ‘the king’ says that because he refers so many survey-takers to these sites, the companies show their appreciation by giving him free gifts that he passes along to new members.

Most people speculate that the source of these bonuses is that many survey sites don’t offer cash rewards, but instead offer prizes that are unredeemable for cash.

If they are transferable, then it makes sense to go ahead and use them as bonuses to get new people to sign up.

In this case, he’s offering 3 days and 2 nights hotel stay at one of 22 locations. There’s no expiration date and is fully transferable. You only need to pay taxes and fees of $7-$12 per night, and it’s a $669 value:


If it’s true, then it may well be worth the $12 to sign up for to get the free vacation. But, considering the scammy nature of everything else about the site, and the lack of detailed information about the terms, it’s hard to believe that it’s actually the case.

Plus, it says that the vacation is THIS MONTH’S bonus. And you should HURRY to claim it:

This month's bonus for Take Surveys for Cash members - a free vacation


Exactly which month do they mean? The one we have at the moment? Hey, they are running the same ad for years already!!! The same “bonus free vacation” is here at least since 2015. Can you imagine!

Anyways, I did a lot of digging on this free vacation claim to see if anyone had ever actually taken it.

Despite the site saying that it’s a limited time offer and that these bonuses change, and that this offer is only good for this month, the free vacation has been on the page since 2015.

And yet I can’t find anyone (even affiliates who give Take Surveys For Cash a positive review) who has been on a free bonus vacation thanks to the site.

There are none.

Don’t you think that if even one person had had a free vacation as a signup bonus, their photos and testimonial would be plastered all over the website? And that person’s own website? And the affiliates would all be talking about it and using it to recruit new members?

I can’t imagine that any of those people would have given way a free vacation and stayed quiet about it.

In short, I don’t see any fine print on the page itself, but there must be some massive catch on the vacation offer, because either:

  • no one has ever actually earned the vacation in over two years of signing up new members, or
  • nobody who was eligible for the vacation chose to go for some reason (which I don’t really believe).

Plus, Jason’s claim – that these companies send him different bonuses every month – is just an ugly lie:

Different bonuses every month - a plain lie



Because, as I already mentioned above, the scammers run their “A free vacation” ad for years already.

Therefore, don’t buy into it. The vacation is a fake offer. Plain and clear.

Proof #3 – Fake Testimonials

So here you are – all the fancy gifts and rewards that the members of Take Surveys for Cash have received:


Fake rewards - given to fake members of Take Surveys for Cash

Sound great, do you agree?


…All you see here is fake. And I am going to prove it to you.

First, look at this screenshot from the same site ( Do you notice the difference:

What is Take Surveys for Cash About - fake rewards and members


See! It’s this simple – Someone is straight-faced lying.

Second, the members of the Take Surveys for Cash are fake as well. To prove it, let’s take the youngster with the Dr. Dre headphones. His photo has been taken from the Jenny on the Spot blog:

The member's image is taken from the Jenny on the Spot blog


Proof #4 Obvious Scams Link to the Take Surveys For Cash Website

This is another reason why you should be extra cautious. Because some obvious Work-from-home scams link directly to the Take Surveys for Cash.

For example, one such scam is Lisa Westbrook work-from-home scam:

Lisa Westbrook scam and Take Surveys for Cash scam belong to the same scam family



In fact, here’s how I wrote in my Lisa Westbrook scam review:

Lisa Westbrook scam links to the Take Surveys for Cash website



Please read the Lisa Westbrook scam review, and you will see – these con artists are not nice people. Don’t fall for their tricks.

Here’s another example, Leah Williams work at home scam. This too links to the Take Surveys for Cash website.

In that review, I wrote:

Lisa Westbrook scam review talks about Take Surveys for Cash



Is Take Surveys For Cash a Scam?

Yes. It’s a scam. Your inbox will indeed fill up with survey offers and spam and everything else. The site makes money when you give your email address to these scammers and spammers. Then they try to recruit you to do the same for other people.

And it’s not just a scam. It’s a lousy scam. It’s a cringy scam, with dated graphics and fake photos. It makes contradictory claims over and over again:

  • Companies are desperate for your opinions and willing to pay a fortune for them, but won’t advertise and only have secret survey programs
  • Anybody can do it, but you need Jason to show you how
  • It’s a limited time offer, only open to selected people, but the price keeps dropping on the page
  • And, in an irony pointed out by many, Jason White is the “King of Online Surveys” that nobody has ever heard of
  • Finally, to add insult to injury, is also full of upsells and add-ons once you’ve joined. You can easily avoid them, but they are annoying. Ultimately, there is no weird trick or secret to taking surveys for cash that you need to buy from Jason White.

Take Surveys for Cash Risk Disclaimer

Let’s see what their Risk Disclaimer says. To see if their grandiose promises hold water:

what is take surveys for cash .com


Take notice (especially) in the last paragraph here. What does it say?

“No guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else. In fact, no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from our ideas and techniques in our material.”

See! Does it sound trustworthy to you? Final Verdict is a scam and a lousy scam.

Taking surveys online isn’t the best way to make money, but if it’s something you want to do, there are much better ways. This website is a scam, it recruits you to market for them, it makes promises it can’t deliver, it subjects you to endless spam and upsells, and it’s ugly.


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Share Your Ideas

Thank you for reading my Take Surveys for Cash review. Now that you are familiar with the product, what’s your opinion? Is Take Surveys for Cash a scam or legit make-money opportunity.

Also, do you have any experience with it? Please share by dropping a comment below.


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