HAVE YOU ever stumbled across a lucrative “Get Quick Rich” ad inviting you to grab your lifetime opportunity?
…An opportunity that promises you heavens by tomorrow morning and with no effort on your part.
One of those who kindly gives you such promises is Empower Network. After all, over 155,000 people have already decided to join Empower Network (at the time of writing). But…
…Is Empower Network a legit way to online success? Is it safe to join it?
My “What is the Empower Network” review is going to answer these and other related questions. So please keep reading and see whether Empower Network is for you.
[Sidebar: If you are not interested in Scams, check out THIS instead! You’re going to like this. Yes, I use it to make money anywhere in the world.]
Quick Review
Name: Empower Network
Website: www.empowernetwork.com
Owners: David Wood, David Sharpe
Price: $25/mth membership + $19.90 merchant account; $100/mth Inner Circle; $500 Costa Rica Intensive; $1000 $15K Formula; $3500 Master’s Course.
All In: $144.90/mth + $5000
My Verdict: Empower Network is a scam and an expensive rip-off scheme. These people are not your friends and will stop at nothing to get your hard-earned cash. Stay away!
If you want to know how you can make $1,200+ a month online from the comfort of your home – well this is your chance
It’s FREE to get started, too (no credit card required). You’ll like that part…
1. Full Review – How Do You Make Money In Empower Network?
Empower Network claims: You earn 100% commission through the Empower Network affiliate program when you sell its high-quality products.
In reality: You have to sell people a thin air! Right, thin air! There is NO real product to sell, and you have to sell dreams to get people to sign up under you! I have a big problem with that.
It’s not ethical. It’s not honest!
The whole Empower Network system is built up in a pyramid style way to roll money from lower levels to the upper ones. You purchase a “product” means that you pay to your up-line sponsor. Your downline member purchases a product means that he pays you.
Even worse – to earn your money, you have to teach your downline members to do the same – sell this thin air to others. That is not a legit way of making money!
2. Empower Network Products
As you will see, all the Empower Network products are NO real products but are designed to promote the same products to others.
2.1. Product #1: Viral blogging system – $25/mth (compulsory!)
Empower Network claims top marketers design its Viral Blogging System to make your life as easy as possible. Your $25 per month Empower Network blog is fully hosted and has a professional design. It has an SEO optimization tool and everything else you need to succeed rapidly as an Empower Network marketer.
In reality: $25/mth is to Empower Network membership. It includes your blog. They call it Empower Network viral blogging system – an attractive name but just another WordPress blog. There is nothing unique about it. For $25/mth, you buy a blog that you can get for FREE (at Siterubix or WordPress ).

However, this $25/mth Empower Network blog has lots of cons compared to the FREE WordPress blog:
a) You are TIED to empowernetwork.com domain. Empower Network claims that this very fact helps you to get a better ranking on search engines, but it’s not true. Google (and more and more search engines) consider Empower Network as a SPAM and lower its ranking. Try it. Type “Empower Network” into Google and find out empowernetwork.com ranking.
b) You are NOT FREE to blog on your niche. You are tied to promote Empower Network only. They tell you that you can blog about everything you want to, but you have so little freedom with your blog that it’s difficult to promote anything but Empower Network. Your blog has Empower Network ads, videos, etc. How do you promote your niche?
c) Your content DOES NOT belong to you. It belongs to Empower Network, and if one day you want to quit, you cannot take your content with you.
d) All Empower Network paid blogs are SIMILAR. It is EN standard website, customized to promote Empower Network. Every new member gets one, and so there are thousands of them out there.
e) All Empower Network blogs are full of DUPLICATE CONTENT. As already told, most of your website pages are the standard ones – precisely the same as all other Empower Network members have. In terms of SEO, this is bad because Google lowers the ranking of websites with duplicate content.
E-wallet – $19.90/mth
That is not a product but a charge for their payment processor. That is compulsory to get paid by Empower Network. It comes as bad news for you as you did not expect it. But the reason is simple – Empower Network is considered illegal in the US, and it cannot use PayPal or other typical merchant accounts.
So to start earning your 100% commissions with Empower Network your absolute must is $25 + $19.90 = $44.90/mth. NO tutoring, no training for this money.
2.2. Product #2: Inner Circle – $100/mth (optional)
Empower Network claims: Inner Circle Membership is a great mindset training to set your attitude positive and in the right direction. For that, it includes a collection of audios from seasoned marketers.

In reality: Regarding training, these audios don’t have much value. They’re mostly recordings of Empower Network gurus who brag about their online success. Everything else on these audios you can also learn online for free.
The aim is not to sell you the audio training. The objective is to get your $100/mth. Once you buy the product, you have a right to sell it at 100% commission. As you see, the Inner Circle is NO real product but rather a money scheme.
2.3. Product #3: Costa Rica Intensive – $500.00 one time payment
Empower Network claims: The product includes 11 videos that were recorded in Costa Rica. People who wanted to attend had to pay $2997 plus other expenses. Now you have to pay only $500 to get these high-quality marketing lessons to improve your business.
In reality: Regarding marketing skills, these webinars don’t add much. For a €500 one-time charge, you get video series where 13 Empower Network gurus show you how to promote Empower Network even further.
However, buying the product gives you a right to sell the same product to others with 100% commission—so yet another Empower Network product to roll your money into your sponsor’s pockets.
2.4. Product #4: $15K Formula – $1000 one time payment
They claim $15K Formula is Empower Network educational product that helps you reach $15,000 if you follow the instructions provided. The product is created by successful business leaders who show you how they have achieved their results.

In reality: This is another set of 11 webinars (at the time of writing) that should introduce you to different marketing strategies. What you get is pretty much the same as with Costa Rica Intensive, only you have to pay twice as much.
The real reason for this so-called „product“ is to get your $1000 and give you a right to sell it to others.
Imagine for looking for legit work-from-home opportunities and finding THIS when you go inside… WOW
Unless you give it a try, you’ll never know.
2.5. Product #5: Master’s Course – $3500
They claim A high-end Empower Network educational product filmed at Costa Rica Empower Network master retreat. The purpose of this product is to teach you how to take your online business from „zero to hero. “ After completing the course, you will understand where you are in your business, and you also have a plan to reach your goals. This course teaches you how to earn $30K/mth.
In reality: Videos are again mostly motivational, teaching how to promote Empower Network. The product’s strategy is the same as with the previous ones; only the price is higher. This time, you pay $3500 to your up-line sponsor to get the right to sell it to your downline members.
There is another problem with the Master’s Course video series. They aren’t updated. Search engines implement new algorithms from time to time, and when they do, SEO strategies change. So SEO courses have to be updated too, but the Master’s Course DVD series is not updated. They are already outdated, and this way has little value. But as said before, the ONLY reason for this expensive product is to earn high commissions off you.
3. Compensation Model and „Go ALL IN. “
Empower Network Compensation Model is a cunning plan designed to roll money from lower levels of the Empower Network pyramid to its upper levels. Guess who the winners are? Those at the top. Who are losers? Those at the bottom. If you sign up, then where are you?
Please understand this:
- All your income with Empower Network comes ONLY from your downline members when they buy EN products.
- You can sell ONLY those EN products that you have bought.
- When you don’t purchase a product, while your downline member buys it, his commission passes you to your up-line sponsor.
So as you see, it’s beneficial to „go all-in“ – to purchase all products. „ALL IN“ allows you to earn from all the products. But you have to pay a lot of money to go „ALL IN“:
To make this money, you have to:
- Buy all these products by yourself.
- Find people who want to join Empower Network under your power line.
- Get them to go „ALL IN. “
So you see, the question is not about the audio-video series. Instead, it’s an apparent pyramid scheme where you pay to your sponsor and get people under you to pay to you.
4. Training and Support
4.1. From Empower Network
All the Empower Network official training comes with different price tags. It’s included in the Empower Network products. You are also encouraged to buy a ticket and attend their weekly live seminars. But as told before, their training does not have much real value. They’re mostly centered on “how to promote empower network to others,” plus a lot of motivational hype to pump you up.
Empower Network offers no personal training, and I do not recommend any program that does not include individual training.
Personal training is crucial.
Are you interested in getting it?
Wealthy Affiliate is by far the best place to get all of these – personal training, high-quality courses, help, and support.
4.2. From your team
You belong to your upline sponsor’s team, and this is where you should get all the personal training, help, and support. So it’s crucial to join under the right person. If he is a proven online marketer who is motivated to build up his team, you may even get extraordinary support. Otherwise, there’s no help for you.
Yet to get any support from your sponsor, you have to buy Empower Network products. If you don’t buy them, you will not make him money, and he is not willing to help you either. This is the reason why there is so much “go all-in” at their training sessions.
4.3. Community
Empower Network ads make you think that you could expect great community and inner circle support, right? Yet people, who have quit Empower Network, tell you a different story. They did not find much open, honest communication with other members. “Go all in” and “Ask your the sponsor” are typical answers to most questions. It’s not really a supportive community, is it?
5. Is Empower Network a scam?
Based on my research, I can say: Yes – Empower Network is a scam. It is built upon cheating. Yes, it is possible to make money with it, but you cannot do it honestly. You have to cheat by selling dreams to people, then teaching them to do the same to others.
6. Is Empower Network a Pyramid Scheme?
Looking at how all the products are designed, it’s clear that Empower Network is a 100% pyramid scheme. You only make money by recruiting new people and get them to buy those products. The fact is that the majority of Empower Network members don’t earn anything and are only sucked out of money by their up-line sponsors.
7. Who is Empower Network For?
It’s possible to make money with Empower Network, but you have to know this:
1) You can make money with Empower Network only if it’s OK for you to lie to people, sell them dreams, get them to sign up under you, take away their money and then… teach them to do the same to others.
2) You have to be a seasoned online marketer and internet marketing teacher because you have to build up your own team. You have to teach your downline members how to market online successfully, or your team will be weak, and you won’t earn anything.
8. Is It a Newbie Friendly?
No, Empower Network is not newbie-friendly. For a newbie, the whole system is too overwhelming and if you don’t know anything about internet marketing, then expect to pay thousands of dollars and quit with empty hands. If you happen to be lucky and join under the right person who is committed to teaching you the secrets of IM, you may have a chance. But it’s still a dishonest way!
If you are a newbie in the online marketing world or want to do your business honestly, there is a much better option. And it’s entirely FREE to join.
9. Some Empower Network Complaints
- Empower Network Complaint #1: Empower Network: A Not So Favorable Review
- Empower Network Complaint #2: Empower Network Complaints Are On The Rise
- Empower Network Warning#1: Empower Network / IMTARGET
- Empower Network Warning #2: An Honest Unbiased Empower Network Review From A Former Member!
- Empower Network Warning #3: Empower Network August Update
10. Red Signs
Empower Network is considered illegal in the US (this is why the owners have to run it from Costa Rica).
- Paypal and other typical merchant accounts consider Empower Network a scam or too high risk. That is why they are using a payment processor from the UK
- Empower Network is banned from Facebook, Youtube, and Google.
11. Summary
I don’t recommend anybody to join Empower Network.
- The company looks too suspicious, and its marketing strategies are not ethical. That is why major credit card companies, Paypal, and other typical merchant accounts don’t want to work with it.
- They have NO real products. The core of each product is to promote the same product. You have to cheat by selling people empty dreams and then teaching them to cheat others.
- Its training is poor, with no real value.
- Empower Network does not provide personal support.
- Empower Network community is not supportive.
It can be a temptation to sign-up when you read their success stories and hear somebody excitedly telling you about great opportunities with Empower Network. But it is only because your sign-up through them makes them money, not because they like the products. If you join them, expect to spend thousands of dollars, and remember, most Empower Network members don’t earn anything. In many cases, they end up in big debts.
12. Final Verdict
Verdict: Empower Network is a SCAM and Pyramid Scheme! Please STAY AWAY FROM IT!
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What About You?
If you have complaints about the Empower Network ripoff that you want to share or additional questions, then feel free to drop a comment below, and I will be happy to get back to you.
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First class review.
Well researched and full of meticulous detail.
They blow a lot of hot air and seem to have their sales pitch finely tuned. New comers to the online world would be hard pressed to say no I would imagine!
Thank you for the feedback, Russel. The fact is, the more I learn about EN the uglier it gets. Yet they have created a lucrative package to siphon people in their system. Already in, they are just milking cows for the top few Empower Networkers. It hurts, if you read those stories. This is why I create reviews like this one.
Thank you again for your feedback. Sorry for late reply. Quite a few months I was in a transition mode. Moving from Eastern Europe to Indonesia.