Ways to Become Rich on the Internet – Learn From Super-Rich

Ways to Become Rich on the Internet – Learn From Super-Rich

Dear friend, are you trying to find ways to become rich on the Internet?

Good.  A Few weeks ago, I stumbled upon Spectrem Group’s research report about America’s super-rich (households with a net worth of $25 million or more, excluding their primary residence). The article talked about the key factors of their success.


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For me, these Spectrem Group’s findings are stunning, to say the least!

Now why do I tell you about this?

Because you can learn from it as well. And I suspect you will be surprised by these two impressive findings.

Even more than that. You will find that you can apply these same methods in your life as well.

Want to know what these methods are? Good. Please keep reading then.

2 Amazing Facts About America’s Super Rich

Fact #1

70% of those super-wealthy surveyed said they got MORE SATISFACTION out of saving and investing their money than from spending it!

Super rich prefer saving and investing over spending

Why is it stunning?

Because the average person thinks that buying stuff makes him happier. Things like a better car, a better house, more traveling, and nicer places, staying in more excellent hotels, and eating in better restaurants – these are the dreams that most people like to dream.

There’s only one problem. They don’t have enough money for that.

And here are these super-duper rich who CAN spend their cash in any way they want it…

Still, most of them have found that spending money IS NOT so satisfying!

This fact should make you think!

It makes me think.

If these super-rich folks don’t find spending satisfying, then I better learn from them.

You versus Them. Step 1

What do you learn?

Answer: Saving and investing are more satisfying than spending.

Fact #2

Roughly 9 out of 10 wealthy households attribute their success to hard work, and about 8 in 10 credit education.

3 key factors of financial success of super rich

Why is it stunning?

Because an average person tends to think that people become super-rich, somehow miraculously or are born into it. Whatever the case, they clearly don’t need to work hard for it.

The truth seems to be far from it.

“Hard work means everything. Nearly every wealthy person credits hard work for his or her success. (Bad news for the “live on the beach while you generate passive income” crowd?),” states Jeff Haden in the article.

Now, don’t get it wrong. Every single super-rich has many passive income streams. Still, to generate and maintain these passive income streams, they had to work hard.

To whom is it bad news then?

For those folks who believe in “get quick rich” schemes. There are tons of scam sites out there trying to sell you a “how to become rich overnight” dream. Just spend 30 minutes a day clicking on ads, and the rest of the time, you can sip coconut drinks on the beach.

Still, America’s super-rich people tell you a very, very different story. Two key factors of their success are hard work and education.

So what do you do?

Apply their critical factors for success.

You versus them, success factors

1. Work hard – You don’t need money to work hard. What you need is the will and commitment to work hard.

2. Education – To get it, you don’t need to go to a university. If you want to learn how to make money online, by far the best education and training platform to learn about earning income online is just one click away from you. You find it here.

3. Smart Investing – There are 100’s of ways to invest. But to invest wisely, you need to have at least some education in the first place. Or you lose your money.

You have already noticed that one of the best smart investing tips from that super-wealthy is to invest in quality education.

you vs them, action


It’s YOUR Money. Use It Wisely.

The bottom line is: Money can buy you some happiness and satisfaction, but it is only short-lived. The wealthiest Americans know the fact probably better than anyone else. That is why they prefer to save and invest their money.

My money investing advice

Don’t spend your hard-earned cash only on some new, bright, shiny stuff. There’s not much lasting value in material goods. Instead, invest in education and something that helps you build your passive income streams.

You can do it online.

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What About You?

Do you have any questions or comments? Please drop me a comment below, and I am more than happy to get back to you.


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