2 Things I Learned About Blogging While Trying to Get Rid of the Ants House.

2 Things I Learned About Blogging While Trying to Get Rid of the Ants House.

Have you ever had to protect your home against ant invasion?

If you have, you know the challenge is clearly not a cakewalk. I have been through it a lot. It has been frustrating, but it has taught me two important lessons about online success.

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1. Why do 97% of People Fail in Online Marketing?

Yes, it is true. 97% of those who start their online marketing campaigns fail. They NEVER make ANY money.

Yet, in fact, they don’t fail. They quit. Over 90% of those who start their Internet Marketing campaign quit in their first year. Leaving is the main reason for failure.

Why do they quit? Mostly because of wrong expectations. There’s a tendency to think that it’s easy to make money online. Just spend a few months, write a few blog posts, and it will start to rain cash. The truth is far from it.

2. How do the Ants Help You Out?

For the last six years, my family and I have lived in Indonesia, in fact, in many different places. We have lived in one of the Jakarta slums but also in various apartments and houses. In every single place, we had to deal with ants’ houses. Usually, there have been many different types of ants. Small, medium, and giant ones. Black and red, all variations.

2.1. Working Hard

In some way, I can understand those little creatures. God has created them hard working. They are here to clean their „neighborhood. “ You eat, and some of your rice or bread drop down on the floor. Ants come to clean it. A small lizard dies. Ants come and eat that dead lizard.

2 Impressive Things I Learned While Trying to Get Rid of the Ants House

This way, they do a good job. And yes, they are very hard working. It’s a good characteristic, and God recommends us to learn from the ants:

„Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise, Which, having no captain, overseer or ruler, provides her supplies in the summer and gathers her food in the harvest. How long will you slumber, O sluggard? When will you rise from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to sleep— So shall your poverty come on you like a prowler And your need like an armed man.“ (Proverbs 6:9-11)

So, I admire ants. As I am a science teacher, I like to observe the life of insects. Many, many times, I have watched the life of ants too. It’s hard to find an ant enjoying its leisure time. They are always working, always busy doing something. And even though I still don’t understand much about their activities, I believe that their business is meaningful.

2.2. Persistence

For me, there is another side of the coin, too. As long as the ants are busy with their own business and don’t disturb us. It’s OK with me.

Yet, in this respect, these hard-working ants are not so well mannered anymore. They don’t respect the fact that I prefer to clean my house by myself and don’t want them on my turf. In their opinion, my house is not clean enough (at least according to their standards) and come to clean it. Not only come and clean it. They arrange a full-size invasion and come to live in our house. First, they spy on our home to find a proper place for the ant’s house somewhere inside a wall or above the ceiling. And soon, I see them carrying their eggs into their new home. But it’s our home, not theirs. They never asked us if we want them to live with us.

If they only lived inside the wall or above the ceiling, we could still get on well. But this is not the case. If you do not deal with the problem, they occupy all your home.

2 Impressive Things I Learned While Trying to Get Rid of the Ants House

It’s so annoying. They are the ones who invaded us, and they bite us when we dare to disturb them.

So I have two choices. Either to move out and find another place or to declare war against the ants. I choose the latter one, buy some ant killer spray, and start to retake our territory. And here’s the second significant characteristic that I have learned from the ants. They’re incredibly persistent. All six years after we lived in Indonesia, we had to fight to keep ants out, more or less.

About two months ago (at the time of writing), we moved to our new home in Kendari, SE Sulawesi. The house had been empty for a while, so the ants had moved out, too. Yet by the end of the second week, ants had already discovered that our home was a lucrative place for them also. Full invasion from different sides and by different „tribes“ took place. Soon I noticed them carrying their eggs into our home. It was clear that new ants houses were forming, which was terrible. I decided to force them to abandon their plan.

get rid ants house

Today, almost two months later, and after emptying quite a few bottles of the ant killer spray, I still cannot declare a full victory. What I have learned is that ants are so extremely persistent in their intentions. Soon after I have blocked the ant lines, they create a new one. After blocking their entrance hole into the house, they find another one. I block them 10, 20, 30, 60, 80 times; they still keep pressing in.

Sometimes I am frustrated. But at the same time, I am very, very impressed by their persistence. I have many times thought that eventually, they would win. Just because of their tenacity. I can kill them by hundreds, yet I am not able to kill their determination. The only way is to get rid of ants’ houses is to eradicate them, but I don’t have access to the core of their homes.


Back to the beginning and why people fail to succeed online. They quit. Something like 97% of those who try to succeed online quit before the end of their first year. Or as one of the warrior forums commentator has said:

„The problem is when pushed when really pushed to choose between success and failure, too often people will accept failure rather than sweat it out and persevere until they succeed.

And ultimately, it’s what you’re prepared to accept for yourself that determines how high you rise in this lifetime.“

This is the lesson that I learned from the ants. They just refuse to quit. And if you are persistent and determined, they are the ones who eventually win. And because of your persistence and determination, you will ultimately prevail. If you don’t give up and quit, you will succeed.

On the way, you sometimes have times when you are downbeat and need something to build your motivation. Here I have collected 76 famous Quotes about Working hard and Perseverance.

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What About You?

So what are the lessons that you have learned from the ants or some other insects/animals? Please drop me a comment below:



  1. Lemm says:

    Excellent Egon….just excellent. I admire your courage. It is certainly a big step what you are taking to move to a third world country and raise your family there. Reminds me of a missionary. I’m facing very familiar struggles as you are, but have fallen many times into discouragement. Your story encourages me.

    • Egon Sarv says:

      Thank you very much for your feedback and also for the encouraging words. I think that it’s very human that we get discouraged. So we need something/somebody to get encouraged again, right? :)

  2. Linda says:

    What an awesome lesson in life to make the important point that we can’t give in and shouldn’t be a quitter. We quit … we loose.

    So thank you for the insightful blog and using the scriptural quote…apparently the ants have been providing this lesson for eons.


    • Egon Sarv says:

      Thank you Linda for the feedback :) If we walk with opened eyes and observe the life around us, we can learn a lot, right? Thank you again for taking time and sharing your thoughts. I am very grateful. :)

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