How to become a Millionaire at fast pace – “12 Month Millionaire”  Scam Review

How to become a Millionaire at fast pace – “12 Month Millionaire” Scam Review

How to become a millionaire overnight? I want to be a millionaire. How to become a millionaire at a fast pace? How to become a millionaire at a young age? How to become a millionaire rapidly?

These and other similar questions are whirling through the minds of thousands (if not millions) of people.

The truth is that many have become millionaires at a fast pace indeed. The question is, could YOU replicate their rapid success? And if you could, then how? Is the program “12 Month Millionaire” the right way to go?

Let’s dive into the details and find out.

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12 month millionaire book in amazonQuick Review

Name: 12 Month Millionaire
Price: $297 Product + $29.97 Shipping
Owner: Vincent James
My Overall Rank: 25 out of 100


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How to Become a Millionaire at Fast Pace – Full Review

Have you noticed the following trend: You go to a bookstore where you literally stumble upon piles of success-books waiting for you? All promise to reveal you a special secret formula, which makes you rich overnight (or at least fast).

One of those vow-products is called “12 Month Millionaire.” Yes, it comes with a whopping $297 price tag but then – it promises to teach you how to become a millionaire at a real fast pace. Within 12 months only!

Then, maybe it is worth its salty price tag.

But… Does it work?

If I purchase the product and follow its instructions, do I become a millionaire? 

Or… Is the “12 Month Millionaire” just another scam that I should avoid?

And that’s what you’re going to learn in this article.

1. “12 Month Millionaire” – What Is It?

In the beginning, I thought that “12 Month Millionaire” was another typical how-to-make-money-online program.

In fact, it’s not. “12 Month Millionaire” is a book. Yes, it’s a book that comes with a 6-hour interview with Vince James – a young entrepreneur who had made $100 million by the time he turned 28.

To get the book, you have to fill the contact form

1.1. The Product

In that in-depth interview, Vince James talks about his success and shares the same strategies and tactics, which helped him make $100 million.

„12 Month Millionaire“ does not talk about typical online marketing techniques. You will not find anything about SEO or affiliate marketing.

Rather, as Vincent claims, it’s a new business model. In his book and interview, he floods you with tons of home run ideas, which eventually should help you earn $1 million a year. Even though it’s mostly on making money with offline direct marketing, many of these tips and strategies can be adapted online easily.

Also, to prove his case, Vincent provides quite a few testimonials about how people, having followed the book’s instructions, have made millions.

In the Introduction section, Vince gives an example of his “smart” techniques. He describes how he found a $60 vitamin bottle from the apothecia. He finds a local producer who makes him a cheap, $2 bogus product. Using direct mail marketing and selling these $2 fake pills under his brand with a $60 price tag, he could suck in $8 million each and every month!


Hey! It’s not ethical! But Vincent does not seem to understand it.

1.2. Who made It?

So who is this super-duper lucky Vincent James?

This guy has used different names at different times:

  • Vince James Passafiume „Vinnie“ – his original name
  • Vincent James – the name that he uses to sell “12 Month Millionaire”.
  • Vince James
  • Vince C James

Vincent James is a former high school dropout who made $77 million revenue and $48 million profit in short 23 months. Also, he was able to cash in $100 million before he was 29. Then one day, the attorney general’s office stepped in and confiscated all his fortune. The young entrepreneur pleaded guilty to fraud and was sent to prison.

1.3. The Fraud

Vincent Passafiume, his nephew Michael Consoli, and some others sold pills advertised to increase penis and breast size. The attorney general’s office began seizing their business, property, and finances on May 22, 2002.

„Consoli and Passafiume signed court documents in March admitting that the pills, which cost $60 for a month’s supply, don’t work. They pleaded guilty to fraud and money laundering charges,“ writes Gary Grado in his East Valley Tribune article.

Passafiume and Consoli „marketed several products, including Longitude, for penis growth; Full and Firm, for breast enlargement; Stature, for height growth; Longjack, for an improved golf game; and several “fat burners,” said Scottsdale accountant Larry Warfield.

“Defendants’ products do not have the physiological effects Defendants claimed they do, to wit, permanently increasing, within three months, penis length by three inches, human body height by up to four inches and female breast size by 2-3 cup sizes,” states a civil settlement agreement that they signed.

Arozona Attorney General

The plea agreement also states that „Defendants were paying only $2.50 per bottle for the product, packaged and ready for sale, that they were selling for about $60 a bottle.”

So as you see, Vincent James was actively involved in criminal activity.


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He wrote his „12-month millionaire“ after he was allowed to do business again. Clearly, on his sales page, he is not in a repentant mode. Instead, he brags about his success and says he was stupid to make such a mistake. That mistake resulted in losing his fortune. So in his book, he is willing to teach you how to become a millionaire at a fast pace while avoiding his mistakes.

How to keep you millions in bank

1.4. Gary Halbert

Surprisingly, Gary Halbert, probably the best copywriter who has ever lived (he died April 8, 2007), has given „12 Month Millionaire“ such a high rating.

In some way, it is understandable. After all, Vincent James was his disciple and learned a big part of his marketings skills from Gary Halbert. Gary writes in his letter:

Gary Halbert confirms Vincent James was his disciple

And because Vincent’s „12 Month Millionaire“ has an affiliate program attached to it (once you buy it, you can sell it with 100% commission), Gary made some extra cash recommending the book.

But then it’s weird that Gary justifies Vince’s fraud by saying that the alphabet agency “stole” Vince’s $48,000,000. I cannot understand it.

Still, I would like to point out three things from Gary’s recommendation.

  • Gary says that in the book, Vincent has revealed secret techniques that had never before revealed.
  • Gary says that there are techniques in the book that were unknown, even to him. That he was using those techniques when creating ads for himself or his clients.
  • He highly recommends reading the book.

Gary Halbert was a highly respected copywriter. If Vincent James’s book were total crap, believe me, Gary Halbert would never recommend it.

His recommendation means there has to be quite a lot of solid marketing stuff packed into it. That’s how I read it.

1.5. Russel Brunson

Russel Brunson is the guy who did that 6-hour interview with Vincent James. He is also the guy whom Vincent uses to sell his info product. This is why Russel’s name appears everywhere.

1.6. Why was the product created

In Vincent James’ own words from the Introduction Chapter of the book:

  • “It’s designed to make you a full-blown, certified MILLIONAIRE within 12 months of reading it.”
  • “Since I’m unofficially “retired” for at least the next couple of years… I don’t feel “threatened” releasing my priceless trade secrets. I want to show you how absolutely USELESS most “experts” are.”
  • “I decided to publish EVERYTHING I KNOW in The 12-Month Millionaire. I’ve actually experienced firsthand the massive success… time and time again. I’ve held nothing back. All the “inside secrets” have been spilled…,“ states Vincent.
  • “I’ve also nearly lost all of my fortune being stupid with my success. I’m going to teach you how to make tons of money- and just as importantly… I’m going to show you how to keep your millions in your bank by not being stupid like I was.”

1.7. Who will benefit from the book?

  • Those who have $297 to purchase it.
  • Those who have a business in place and need tips to grow exponentially.
  • Those who don’t have a business in place yet want to get ideas to start working from home. (Still, Vincent does not recommend his book to this group of people because the material „may be a little bit of information overload“ for them).
  • Those who are willing to work hard as the material is not easy.

2. What Results Can You Expect?

The book provides a few testimonials of how people have made millions by following the teachings of „12 Month Millionaire.“

Still, outside of the book, it isn’t easy to find ANY additional testimonial. Seems weird.

It’s easier to find testimonials where both offline and online marketers tell that they have found the book extremely useful. They have got plenty of new ideas from it and have made progress after implementing their businesses.

So this is what you can expect from it – new, fresh, and often more valuable business ideas on how to grow your business.

At the same time, take it with a good amount of caution as he also teaches you stuff that others call cheating, robbing, and fraud (selling bogus pills for $60 a bottle is just one example of it).

How to become a Millionaire at fast pace or how to produce bogus products
Some of the things that Vincent James promises to teach you in his book.

3. Pros And Cons


  • Includes many great marketing tips and techniques to improve your business.
  • Includes tons of home run ideas to make big money.


  • Vincent James made his millions through criminal activity.
  • The product deals mostly with direct offline selling.
  • It’s not a step-by-step tutorial about how to make millions of dollars.
  • The material is not easy to implement.
  • Not really suitable for those looking to work from home or still novice marketers.
  • It provides you with a business model only while leaving the research up to you.

4. Testimonials

There are surprisingly few comments and testimonials about the “12 Month Millionaire”. Most of the testimonials available date back to 2007-2009. Finding new comments or testimonials is hard.

Neither can you find testimonials about hordes of new millionaires. Here you are – Vincent teaches thousands how to become a millionaire at fast pace, but where are these millionaires?

Here is one positive testimonial (even though it does not tell if he became a millionaire):

Positive testimony about Vincent James info product

Jamie Lewis (Warriorforum):

Positive testimonial about 12MM

Rick (Warriorforum 2009)

Positive testimonial about 12MM


Then there are also some strong arguments against the product:


Negative comment about Vince James Passafiume's info product

Thomas Gates

Why you should avoid Vincent James' info product

5. What to Watch Out For?

  • The guy has been involved in a fraud.
  • You can find only a tiny bit of information about him on the internet. Very few photos of him. No Facebook, Twitter, or other social media accounts.
  • He has teamed up with Russel Brunson to promote his blueprint “info product” under Russel’s endorsement. But what Vincent is doing – You don’t know.
  • The product has an affiliate program attached to it, so affiliate marketers have the opportunity to earn a commission from promoting Vince’s book.

6. Buying Advice

Because the „12 Month Millionaire“ is built upon fraud, how to recommend it?

I advocate honesty, transparency, and integrity. This product is not about honesty and integrity.

You might be tempted to think that maybe Vincent had repented. It looks like he hasn’t. Even in his publicly shared Introduction Chapter, Vincent is clearly not in a repentant mode. Instead, he calls producing and selling bogus products a fair shot. It should be an example that you and I should follow?

1.If you want to learn his marketing techniques without these fraud elements involved, I recommend starting with Gary Halbert’s letters.  After all, Vincent James was his disciple and adopted a lot of his techniques.

These letters are completely out of order. Better check the following link where you find the same letters, but chronologically sorted.

2. If you want to learn how to make a full-time income (or some extra side money) online, I recommend Wealthy Affiliate. This, in my opinion, is the by far best all-inclusive internet training platform out there

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Final Verdict

  • Name: 12 Month Millionaire
  • Website:
  • Price: $297 Product + $29.97 Shipping
  • Owner: Vincent James
  • Newbie Friendly: No
  • Overall Rank: 25 out of 100


  1. The product includes many good (legit) marketing techniques but
  2. Many of these techniques are already available in Gary Halbert’s letters. For FREE!
  3. Using these (legal) marketing techniques, Vincent James built up a massive fraud. Hey! It’s possible.
  4. ”12 Month Millionaire” teaches how to become a millionaire at a fast pace BY producing and selling dud products at a high price.
  5. Because of this – I don’t recommend it.


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Share Your Ideas:

Your thoughts are important to me. Therefore, do you have experience with the “12 Month Millionaire” program you want to share? Or thoughts about the product? Please drop me a comment below, and I will be more than happy to get back to you.

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