Melissa Johnson Work Home Scam – What You Must Know! READ NOW!!!

Melissa Johnson Work Home Scam – What You Must Know! READ NOW!!!

YOU CAN find a Melissa Johnson work home scam in the form of many different “news” sites. All of them beautifully decorated, all of them targeting (often vulnerable) stay at home moms.

The narrative of the scam is always the same:

A struggling mother who, after losing her job, turns to the Internet in the hope of making some legit income online. Being aware of millions of get-quick-rich scams online, she is extra cautious in her exploration.

Better ALTERNATIVE to the Melissa Johnson Work Home Scam that will help you make $1200+ a month online. And these testimonials are proof. click here to learn more

It’s FREE to get started, too (no credit card required). You’ll like that part…


Melissa Johnson is a fictional characterThen, on one lucky day, she stumbles upon an excellent legit opportunity perfect for inexperienced people like herself.

Not only that, the whole money-making process is easy to learn and apply. As a result, now Melissa is making thousands of dollars per month (see below). She makes enough to buy a new German Premium class car and take her family to her dream vacation in Hawaii.

Everything in that story looks beautiful and something that you might like to emulate. But only as long as you don’t bother to dig deeper.

As soon as you hit the shovel into the ground, it gets gruesome.

Let me dig for you and see whether you like what comes to the daylight.

Before that, though, if you are a stay-at-home mom looking for ways to make side money online and don’t want to get mugged…

Full Review – Melissa Johnson Work Home Scam

Who Is The Prey?

Who are the potential victims? Whom do these brutal online predators prey?

As you might suspect, their primary target audience is highly vulnerable stay-at-home moms (probably you as well) — moms who cannot go to work and therefore look for other ways to make money from home.

Even worse. These cybercriminals are preying on innocent moms worldwide – in the Americas, Europe, Asia, everywhere.

Melissa Johnson’s Pseudo Name List

Let’s start with Melissa Johnson – the infamous stay-at-home mom who makes a massive pot of money online.

Melissa Johnson is from… From where exactly?

Truth to be told (as I will show you shortly) phony Melissa Johnson is from almost every single country in the world.

Not only that. Often, Melissa also has a different name (or face, age, monthly income, etc.).

In some articles, she is called Melissa Johnson. In others, Kelly Richards:

Melissa Johnson and Kelly Richards are the same bogus mom

There are even more names which all refer to the same bogus stay-at-home mom who’s making thousands from home:

Melissa Johnson (well, from many different countries), Lisa White from Cambridge, UK, Theresa Andrews (from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US), Mary Vahgn (from New York), Jamie Taylor (US), Maria Shutova (Varna, Bulgaria), Kelly Richards (from New York), Alina Cruz (Manila, Philippines), Leah Williams (UK, Canada, etc.)…

Melissa Johnson from Different Races…

Next, and this is going to be interesting. Do you want to see how Melissa Johnson from Indonesia looks like? Or Melissa Johnson from Vietnam? Or Melissa Johnson from Portugal?

As you might expect, they are quite different:

The same fake Melissa Johnson from different parts of the world

Sometimes, She Looks Like This, Though:

Stolen stock photos are used

When Scammers Mess It Up

That’s what happens when people cheat. Sooner or later, it will come out. Is she Melissa Johnson or Kelly Richards:

Two different fake moms advertised in the same article


Tired of scams? Here’s something you can do, at home and at your own pace, to make $1200+ a month online.
click here to learn more

Finding out more costs nothing. And you’re not committing to anything else.


Preying Moms from the US to the UK to Indonesia

As you can see in the list below, these con-artists target pretty much every country in the world. Of course, I could not find all of them (If I had spent more time on my research, I probably would have found all of them).

But this is not my purpose here. I aim to show you how wide-spread the fraud is. With these 18 targeted countries already exposed, you will get a pretty clear picture, won’t you?

Here’s the list of the countries which the scammers target:

United States, UK, India, Jamaica, Portugal, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Estonia, Denmark, Rwanda, Indonesia, Ukraine, Philippines, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Vietnam, Russia, Canada…

See! You can find countries from the Americas, Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, and even Africa.

To prove my case, let me show you how these fake news sites look like:

Target Audience: US moms

Target Audience: Russian moms

Target Audience: Slovenia moms

Target Audience: Indonesia moms

Look also more examples from The Career Journal Online and Biz Weekly.

Different URL’s Used to Promote the Melissa Johnson Work Home Scam

As always, scammer use tons of different domain names. All that in their attempt to trick innocent, vulnerable, and often desperate stay-at-home moms into signing up with their bogus make-money-online products.

There is a reason behind this behavior. As soon as cyber-charlatans get caught and their site is closed down (or just exposed), they move it to a new URL link. Here are just a few examples of the URL links that promote the scam:

  • WAHC
  • etc., etc.

Even worse! Often you can find the bogus “Melissa Johnson work-from-home news report” in otherwise legit blogs. Blogs like Cafemon, Wisdom (, etc., etc., etc.


What Products Will Make Moms $5,000 – $15,000 /month

It’s time to see what are these magic money-making products turn struggling stay-at-home moms into wealthy entrepreneurs.

I researched and found a plethora of crap (or total scam) products that they are trying to force down your throat. All are make-money-online products, and all are designed to free you from your savings. Some of them you can see in the list below:

Remember! None, NONE of them will make you rich. None of them will be going to shower you with $5,000 to $15,000 a month: all that is cheap talk and nothing else.

Different Bite Sizes for Moms from Different Countries

The following is pretty impressive too. Look at the following bites for moms from different countries (and living standards).

  • $8,000 – $15,000 a month (being Melissa Johnson from Rwanda, Africa)
  • $6,000 – $8,000 a month (being Theresa Andrews Florida, US)
  • $5,000 – $7,000 a month (being Kelly Richards from New York, US)
  • $8,000 – $15,000 a month (being Melissa Johnson from Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • $8,000 – $15,000 a month (being Melissa Johnson of Imus, Philippines)
  • $8,000 – $15,000 a month (being Melissa Johnson of Belgrad, Serbia)
  • $8,000 – $15,000 a month (being Melissa Johnson of Chernigov, Ukraine)
  • etc., etc.

Notice, these fake Melissa (or her clones) from developing countries make up to twice as much money as Melissa from countries with higher living standards. Why so?

I think there is a logic behind it. Moms from wealthier countries have better education. If you feed them with too unrealistic numbers, they become suspicious. On the other hand, those moms from poorer countries want more significant sums faster. Whatever the case, it seems to me it works this way.

Fake Journalists

As you might guess, Amanda Winston and Jason Goodman (authors of the majority of the false Melissa Johnson reports) do not exist. I tried to find these two journalists and read their other articles too. But there are no traces. No articles, no social media accounts, nothing. FAKE!

Melissa Johnson Scam in Different Media

1. In a Website Form

Since I discussed these phony “news websites” in some detail elsewhere (here), I won’t repeat it all here. I tell that fraudsters are always working at creating more genuine-looking scams. It’s harder to spot a fraud if it is hidden behind a “news” site. Moreover, it is molded into the form of an innocent news report. All that to build your trust and make you sign up at once.

However, this scam here is not limited to the phony websites only.

2. Melissa Johnson Facebook Scam

Here are some Facebook screenshots of the same Melissa Johnson scam. As you can see, they target stay-at-home moms from different countries:

Melissa Johnson scam in Facebook


In the next screenshot, the same fake Melissa Johnson is introduced as Theresa Andrews of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US:

Theresa Andrews (aka Melissa Johnson) in Facebook


And here she is called Alina Cruz from Manila, Philippines:

Alina Cruz (aka Melissa Johnson) in the facebook post - this time from Manila

The testimonials under all these Facebook posts, as you might already suspect, are fake too. You can find the same comments and the same testimonials under tons of different scam articles.

Email Spamming

The shameless cyber-pirates use also email spamming in an attempt to trick stay-at-home moms into registering with their scam products:

The authors of Melissa Johnson work home scam use email spamming too

My Verdict:

“Melissa Johnson – a mother who makes thousands by working from home,” is nothing but an internet fraud. It is made to trick innocent moms into joining shady make-money-online products (like binary options scams, survey sites, etc.)

Verdict: SCAM!!! It will surely rob your money. STAY AWAY!!!


Imagine for looking for legit work-from-home opportunities and finding THIS when you go inside… WOW
click here to learn more

Why not make it the very next thing you do? 


What About You?

Thank you for reading my detailed Melissa Johnson Work Home Scam review.

Now, what’s your opinion? Is it a scam or not? Do you have any first-hand experience with it that you want to share?

Please tell me by dropping a comment into the comment section below.

Stay safe!

Egon (



  1. Jocelyn says:

    Hi Egon Sarv, I’m very glad I did research on this “Melissa Johnson” before signing up. I’m a stay at home mom and I was researching online jobs and I clicked on one of the fake journalist you talked about and I was literally very close to sign up but I felt very skeptical about it. I knew this didn’t sound right soo thank you very much for the information. I have to take more precaution next time.

    • Hey, Jocelyn, and thank you for the feedback. I am very glad to hear you found my Melissa Johnson scam review helpful and did not sign up. You definitely would have lose your money. No doubt about it.

      If you are looking for online jobs, have you ever thought to build up your own passive income stream online?

      It’s different from working for others and getting a salary. Because it’s your own passive income. First you build it up and then it will reward you for years.

      And because it is online, it does not require investing thousands of dollars in the first place. In fact you can start pretty much with no money at all.

      Here’s how you can start it. Take a closer look.

      Of course, it’s just one opportunity. There are many different ways on how you can make passive income online… Some of them more expensive than others. I recommend this one because it is completely free to get started. No, credit card is not required. So you won’t risk a penny to see if it can help you.


  2. Hi Egon Sarv, do you know if this company is a scam Computer Savv? They use the same woman Melissa Johnson from New Jersey and they said that she uses this program to make money WAH Program.

    Thank you

    • Thank you for asking it, Marilaine. That Melissa Johnson from New Jersey is obviously a scam. The same scam in a little bit different sausage. This is so widely spread work-at-home scam. I regularly stumble across some version of it (there tons of versions of it). Please do not join it. It’s nothing but a cleverly designed rip-off scheme.

      If you are interested in making some side money (or even full time income) online why not try this ? Why not give it a whirl and see if it can help you? It’s free to get started too (no credit card required and no obligations either).


  3. Natasha says:

    I already gave them my email address and phone number but chickened out at the last moment when they started making me fill out survey forms
    Anyway can they still misuse my info in any way?

    • Hey, Natasha, and thank you for the comment.

      They only thing they can do is start bombing you with all kind of spam emails and phone calls. I don’t have experience with these particular scammers but I once submitted my phone number and what happened was that they just kept calling me. It was never ending… So frustrating. I had no idea how to get rid of them so eventually I threw my SIM away and got a new phone number. That solved it.

      The problem here is that once you have given out your email/phone number, they connect you to their high pressure sales people. And trust me, they know how squeeze every single penny out of their prey.

      Other than that, I don’t think they can harm you. Remember, they want your money so they need to get contact with you – to persuade you…

      Stay safe,

  4. Id Fernando Abuid Trochez says:

    hi Egon, have you seen something of computer oasis? do you know if they are scam? or do you know a real webside to work from home?

    • Hey, Fernando Abuid Trocherz, and thank you for your comment.

      First, sorry for my late reply but I had a long vacation this year and I barely touched my computer.

      Now, coming to your first question, I have not reviewed Computer Oasis yet (so cannot really give my unbiased opinion yet) but I will do review it asap. Thank you for letting me know about the product.

      As for some real website that would offer you work from home opportunity… Well, have you tried this one here? This is my #1 preference and, in fact, because of their training I was able to create my own passive income stream online. Truth be told, I am very impressed.

      Click here now to read more about it and then you will see whether it can help you.

      Stay safe,

  5. Aida says:

    Thank you for the information that i am planning to register and work with there website online. I thought it was a legit because she posted there the interview of her by one of the popular tv host.

    • Hey, Aida, and thank you for the feedback. The scammers definitely know how to deceive people. Often everything they show you, is very similar to the original products to make people think it’s genuine. Like Melissa Johnson work from home article. The website looks like a genuine news portal (it’s not). There are social media buttons (fake); Security badges (fake), etc., etc., etc.

      Are you certain the person in the interview is the popular TV host indeed? Or is he just similar to the real person?

      Anyway, there’s no doubt Melissa Johnson work at home opportunity is a filthy scam. Avoid it like plague.

      As for the platform I recommended to try… Well, first, it’s completely free to get started. No credit card required, no obligations. So try it out and see whether this is something you should jump on.

      Stay safe,

  6. Katherine Ashby says:

    As a stay at home mom I recommend “Medical Coding” as a wonderful work from home option. Yes, you will need training. You can’t just code medical records without having proper training. However, this is a real and promising career. I used to work for “Career Step” and they have an awesome Medical Coding course.

    Their training is done online and is self-paced. You could finish the program in 4 months but 6 months is probably more realistic. They do however give you up to a year to get it all done. Their program is approved by the American Health Information Management Association and the American Academy of Professional Coders. They work with companies such as CIOX Health, Lexicode, OS2-HCS, TrustHCS, Inovalon, Mckesson that hire their grads to work from home right out of the program.

    The average salary for this career is about $40,000. Their entire program including books, instructors and job assistance is around $3,000 and they offer sweet payment plans.

    If you want more info, reference links or have questions let me know @

    • Thank you for the comment and your recommendation, Katherine. I have not heard about “Medical Coding” before but based on your comment it seems to be a legit opportunity at least for those living the US. In other countries, I am not so sure.

      Stay safe,

  7. fei says:

    what do they get out of this exactly? My facebook contact or personal info?

    • The trick is to make you join some of their online scam (like some binary options scam, etc). Once you have signed up with them, you most probably have submitted your phone number and email address to them. That’s all they need. Now they can put you face to face with their high pressure sales people (click here to see how it works).

      Then, there is an entrance price that they ask you to pay (usually $250 or $300). They tell you it is a risk free business opportunity and by tomorrow morning you already have over a $1,000 or something like that. But, to make MUCH bigger money MUCH faster, they persuade you to invest bigger sums – $1,000 or $3,000 or $5,000 like that. And guess what? It is a scam. You will lose everything. Even worse – turns out, it was some shady overseas unregulated broker and you don’t even have a way to complain (or even contact them).

      That’s how these schemes usually work. And that’s why I advice you not to touch them.

      If you’d like to learn about legit ways to make money online and reach your financial goals — no matter where you are on the newbie/expert scales…

      …Well, here’s a good place to find immediate help…

      Stay safe!

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