Free Stock Images – Commercial Use and No Attribution. Find Here!

Free Stock Images – Commercial Use and No Attribution. Find Here!

If you are a blogger, then you know how important the role a great photo plays in your online campaign.

Therefore, it is good to know where to quickly and easily find free stock images for commercial use.

Now, I know there are tons of different royalty-free photo libraries online. However, many of them only offer images with price tags and different attribution requirements.

As for me, if possible, I prefer images that do not require ANY attribution (or other restrictions like logging in, etc.). It’s just about time management (in other words, I save a lot of time this way).

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Why not give a whirl right now? You’re certainly not committed to anything.

Therefore, below I am not focusing on the examples of images that you can find in the following image libraries below (I suspect you already have a pretty good idea how a beautiful high-quality image looks like).

Instead, what I plan to do here, is that I am going to give you a short (but good) list of free stock photo libraries, which offer images without a requirement to attribute. And in each case, I will show you how to identify whether the image of your choice requires attribution or not.

 Note! Be careful with attributing. If you break the rules, you may end up neck-deep in troubles.

That’s why I want you to be sure the photo that you put into your article does NOT require attribution.

Also, I want to make your photo finding process as fast and smooth as possible.

So, here we go:

Free Stock Images – Commercial Use and No Attribution

1. Pixabay

At the moment, Pixabay is my favorite place to get free stock images.

The reason why I prefer Pixabay is that all their free images have Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication (Universal).

Pixabay offers a great variety of free stock images with people

Here the small resolution (S: 640×246) is hassle-free download. M /1280×853) and L (1920×1280) only require typing a captcha. Downloading an original size requires logging in. There are no other restrictions.

Now coming back to Creative Commons CC0 1.0 – why is it useful?

It is good because you never need to worry about attributing. Just download the image of your choice and use it in whatever way you like it:

“You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.” (from CC0 1.0)

Note! All other (more popular) Creative Commons dedications (CC BY-SA 2.0 and CC BY-SA 4.0) require at least some kind of attribution from your part.

That means that you have to read how to attribute in the first place (if you don’t know the exact rules). Then you have to do it. While attributing is not that hard, it all takes time (depending on how skilled you already are).

Read Also:

The second problem with attributions is that they usually go into a caption.

But what if you want to use the image as a featured image of your article? Then it does not have a caption. Where do you put that attribution then?

That’s why I like images with CC0 Dedications – download your preferred image, do all the modifications and upload it into your website – that’s it. Quick and simple.

The negative side is that Pixabay’s free stock image library is quite limited. Fortunately, it is continually growing, and its current 840,000+ images have almost always satisfied my needs.

And as you would suspect, its best photos and images are behind the paywall.

Anyway, if you need a great free stock image for commercial use, Pixabay is the way to go.

2. Picjumbo (50+ million images)

Picjumbo is another excellent source of royalty-free stock images for those who don’t like to play with attributions.


First, there is no requirement for attribution for almost all the images!

you can use all picjumbo images for free - even for commercial use

Isn’t that fantastic?

Secondly, the quality of the images is outstanding (and the size is enormous).


First, you have to switch off your browser’s ad-blocker (that’s how they make money). As a result, aggressively pitching ads are plastered all over the Picjumbo site, and it is up to you to figure out what is what.

That’s an annoying part of it. Even worse, some of these ads include search boxes, and you can mistakenly search THEIR image libraries and not Picjumbo’s free images.

Second, the Picjumbo free stock image library is not really searchable. Instead, you have to go through categories and tags.

3. MorgueFile (350,000+ photos)

MorgueFile is another stock photo library where most of the photos and images don’t require attribution:

Morguefile allows you to use all images for free, even for commercial use

Also, the website is pretty much ad-free and easily searchable.


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4. FreeImages (Close to 400,000 images)

Pros: The good thing with the FreeImages is that big junk of its images don’t require attribution.

Also, it is easily searchable. I really like the way they have done it.


First, downloading requires signing up in the first place.

Second, FreeImages free stock image library seems to be tightly connected to iStockPhoto. Time and again, while trying to open a searched free image, I found myself on the iStockPhoto website while trying to open a free image.

It’s tricky as they offer you free images indeed; while sweating hard to send you to their Premium site where you can buy their stock photos.

So here’s how to identify free images:

Open the image of your choice, then scroll down to find “Licence” in its descriptions. If the license points to “ Content License,” then – Voila – it is free, even for commercial use:

Most of the photos in Freeimages website don't require attribution

5. Dreamstime Images

The good news: Dreamstime does not require attribution.

The bad news is that Dreamstime requires you to sign up first:

Dreamstime requires you to sign up before you can download free images

6. Gratisography

All pictures in the Gratisography image free image library are captured by Ryan McGuire. They are high-resolution stock photos, free, and you can use them as you please.

Sound great, doesn’t it?

The negative side is that its library is stilly tiny.

Free Stock Images – Commercial Use With Attribution

Let me give you three of my favorite image libraries that require attribution.

1. Wikimedia Commons Photographs

I use Wikimedia Commons quite often. To tell the truth, it has been my second choice when I in need of some great free stock images for commercial use. Wikimedia has plenty of free stock images but (as I told before), a big majority of them require some attribution:

wikimedia commons stock images require some kind of attribution

Fortunately, it is easy to do as they have prepared attribution texts (with links, etc.) for you:

copy and paste the attribution from Wikimedia Commons images to image caption

2. FreeDigitalPhotos

FreeDigitalPhotos is another excellent source of royalty-free stock images with commercial use. In the past, I used their library a lot. These days, however, not so much.

The first reason (as I already described above) is their requirement to attribute. The good thing is that it did not require to attribute a link. So I could merge the attribution into a featured image:

Easy way to give attribution - FreeDigitalPhotos


The second (and main) reason why I am not using FreeDigitalPhotos so often is that they give you only the smallest size for free. All other sizes have price tags:

free stock images commercial use - you can find them from FreeDigitalPhotos

Bad news to everyone who is looking for high-quality free images.

3. Flickr (Over 13 billion images)

With its over 13 billion images, Flickr is a huge image library. Therefore, it should satisfy everyone’s needs. However, it is your job to figure out which restrictions apply to each of these images.

For example, below is a random Donald Trump photo found in Flickr (in fact, only a bottom right part of it). Please notice that small blue link below the picture, saying: “Some rights reserved:

Donald Trump free stock image

In this particular case, the Creative Commons CC BY-SA 2.0 page will be opened. That’s where you will learn how you can use the photo (and how you cannot).

However, if the link says: “All rights reserved,” you are not allowed to use the image (at least not for free):

“You, the copyright holder, reserve all rights provided by copyright law, such as the right to make copies, distribute your work, perform your work, license, or otherwise exploit your work; no rights are waived under this license.” (Licence type, by Flickr)


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What About You

Now that you have seen my choice websites that offer free stock images for commercial use, what do you think?

Do you know any other awesome Free stock image websites with no attribution requirement?

Please let me know by dropping a comment below.



  1. Jen says:

    Cheers, Egon! This was a tremendous help.

    • Hey, Jen, and thank you for the feedback. Glad to hear you find the article helpful. I wish you an exciting week.


  2. Thanks for the great list! Please also check out the world’s largest collection of free, public domain/CCO images, ,with 14 Million Public Domain/CC0 stock images, clip-art, historical photos and more, all in one searchable database. It includes an easy to use meme-maker.

    • Hey, Roya, and thank you for the link. I just checked it out and found a tremendous collection of free images. Just one question – How about attribution rules? Do these free images require attribution or not?

      Anyway, Snappygoat seems to be a great source indeed. I like it :) Thank you again!



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