Rio 2016: 42 Motivational Quotes by Athletes That Boost Your Confidence

Rio 2016: 42 Motivational Quotes by Athletes That Boost Your Confidence

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Sacrifice and hard work,” says Columbian Mariana Pajón, BMX Gold medalist in Rio Olympics 2016, while answering a question on what fuels her.

What does fuel you?

Because when times are tough, it’s hard to keep the fire burning.

Read these 42 motivational quotes by athletes from Rio Olympics 2016 below, and you will see – success on a race track won’t come easy. It’s the same in other areas of life.

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What makes top-level athletes so special is the fact that they take their game to the extreme limit. Their level of dedication, concentration, willingness to work hard, and sacrifice is flat-out fascinating.

Read, and you will see extreme joy and happiness from winning. And also sheer frustration from losing.

Because, after all, athletes are human – flesh and blood. Thus, the amount of hard work and sacrifice that they put in is often unimaginable.

You can learn so much from top athletes. Their stories strike the cord and skyrocket your self-confidence.  They give you the courage to press forward – toward YOUR goals. And you feel – these are indeed achievable.

It’s not a cakewalk, of course, but it is possible. POSSIBLE!

I am so encouraged, so much more fuelled, so much more dedicated after reading their quotes.

So here we go:

41 Motivational Quotes by Athletes from Rio Olympics 2016

1. “I think goals should never be easy; they should force you to work, even if they are uncomfortable at the time.” – Michael Phleps, Swimming (US)

2. “The important thing is that you have to fight until the last arrow, with your heart and mind.”- Ilario Di Buo, Archery (Italy)

3. “It’s been 17 years for me of slogging away for this hour and a half.” – Joshua Robinson, Javelin (Australia)

4. “I’m not naturally the most confident athlete. But if my coaches tell me that I can run a certain time, I believe it with no question. Then that’s it; that’s decided, that’s what I’m going to run.” – Emma Coburn, Track and Field (US)

5. “I never thought this would happen again. There were times when I was not sure if I wanted to keep going. But this makes it all worth it.” – Eric Lamaze, Show Jumping (Canada)

6. “I gave my all, and my all wasn’t a gold or a silver or a bronze – but it’s not nothing.” – Bronte Campbell, Swimming (Australia)

7. “Goal setting has definitely stuck with me. Those ‘want times’ were always very ambitious. That part has carried on. I try to set goals that seem kind of unreasonable at first. As I work toward them, the more reasonable they look.” – Katie Ledecky, Swimming (US)

8. “I just proved to them that even after the war, even after we survived a war, if they want something, they can have it. If they want to be Olympic champions, they can be. Even if we come from a small country, poor country,” – Majlinda Kelmendi, judo (Kosovo)

9. “This medal is [a response] for all those who said I should be [a monkey] in a cage,” Rafaela Silva, Judo (Brazil)

10. “I don’t have to say anything to them because I know just how much hard work and effort I’ve put in.” – Deepika Kumari, Archery (India)

11. “I wasn’t there just to make up numbers; I was always going to give it a red hot crack.” – Kim Mickle


12. “Anyone can win it. That’s what I told myself. I just didn’t want to look at Goliath and get scared.” – Helen Maroulis, Wrestler (US)

13. “I just try to focus on myself. I dive better when I block it (the competition) out.” – Melissa Wu, Diving (Australia)

14. “We have survived a war. There are still kids who don’t know if their parents are alive, don’t have anything to eat or books to go to school. So the fact of becoming Olympic champion is just huge for all of us.”- Majlinda Kelmendi, Judo (Kosovo)

15. “What I’ve done over the past couple of years has been pretty great, but even that doesn’t define my swimming. Working hard and doing everything I can to be successful should be my identity.” – Katie Ledecky, Swimming (US)

16. “We’ve always known he’s the real deal, Delly… he prepares and cares more than anyone I’ve ever seen.” – Luc Longley (assistant coach) on Matthew Dellavedova, Basketball (Australia)

17. “It’s never easy to break a world record, and it takes a lot of hard work and every day getting in the pool and giving it my all.” – Katie Ledecky (US)

18. “I would be lying if (I said) I wasn’t bitterly disappointed.” Anna Meares, Track Cycling, (Australia)

19. “I’m putting my body through hell every day to make sure I make myself proud in Rio.” – Mohamed Muktar Jama “Mo” Farah, Distance Running (Great Britain)

20. “I’ve been working really hard this past couple of years and just grinding it out, and I feel like I could be a champion one day.” – Andre de Grasse, Track and Field (Canada)

21. “I told myself: ‘Listen: Don’t panic. Take your time, chip away, and work your way back in.” – Usain Bolt, Track and Field (Jamaica)

22. “A lot of heart is the key to success.” – Chris Brooks, Gymnastics (US)

23. “I just work hard and try my best every time I step up on those blocks. I’m very goal-oriented. I’ve always set high goals for myself. When I was little, I never dreamed of going to the Olympics, but once I did, I wanted to do my very best at that level. Four years ago, when I was visualizing my final, I never envisaged anything other than winning gold. Once I get to that level, I’m able to set the goals for myself and go out and achieve them.” – Katie Ledecky. Swimming (US)

24. “I just wanted to see those little targets smash.” – Catherine Skinner, Sport Shooting (Australia)

25. “My legs were tired after the 10,000m, and people had to bring me food in my room. This is the most satisfying win of the four; it is incredible. If you have dreams, they can come true.” – Mohamed Muktar Jama “Mo” Farah, Distance Running (Great Britain)

26. “Don’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the further you get,” Michael Phelps, Swimming (US)

27. “I went from having surgery to being one of the top 15 men in the country by the age of 17. That shows me how much you can improve if you really want something bad enough.” – Jake Dalton, Gymnastics (US)

28. “This moment is not about me; it’s all about my coaches, my friends, my family that believed that when I was a six-year-old kid that I could do it.” – Joseph Schooling, Swimming (Singapore)

29. “It doesn’t matter what your background is and where you come from. If you have dreams and goals, that’s all that matters.” – Serena Williams, Tennis (US)

30. “You need to have guts when you’re up against it. You need a dream, a goal, and above all, your family.” – Oscar Figueroa, Weightlifting (Colombia)

31. “I know I’m a good and honest person, and if I put hard work in, I would be able to reach my goals.” – Sarah Robles, Weightlifting (US)

32. “It’s not about winning at the Olympic Games. It’s about trying to win. The motto is faster, higher, stronger, not fastest, highest, strongest. Sometimes it’s the trying that matters.” – Bronte Barratt, Swimming (Australia)

33. “Peace is knowing that I did everything I possibly could have done, that something beautiful will come out of this and that I will come back stronger than ever before.” – Missy Franklin, Swimming (US)

34. “I don’t think it matters your body type. I think if you’re passionate about something, you can go after it, and I hope I can be an example of that.” – Allyson Felix, Track and Field (US)

35. “My doping is training. My doping is Jesus. Otherwise, I’m crystal clean.” – Almaz Ayana, Distance Running (Ethiopia)

36. “Are you going to stand, or are you going to crumble? In the face of everything, stand still.” – Gabby Douglas, Gymnastics (US)

37. “The amount of hours I have put into this, the sacrifices I have made, not going to my sister’s wedding, skipping the Opening Ceremony to try and get a good result, and it’s all perfect now.” – Tom Burton, Sailing (Australia)

38. “When it´s time for me to sleep, I always think about archery. That is why I can stay on top.” – Ki Bo Bae (South-Korea)

39. “In some ways, it was really tough. But it was also a reminder of how much I really did love the sport. Because if I didn’t, I would have given up.” Rosie MacLennan, Trampolining Gymnastics (Canada)

40. “To do eight years and to get two silver medals is frustrating, but we didn’t leave one bit to spare in that final.” Jack Bobridge, Cycling (Australia)

41. “Hard days are the best because that’s when champions are made,” Gabby Douglas, Gymnastics (US)

42. “I have broken more bones than won world titles. If it’s something safe you are after, go swimming.” – Mariana Pajón, BMX (Colombia)

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What About You?

Which one of these 42 motivational quotes by athletes boosted your confidence most? Please tell me by leaving a comment into the comment section below. Thank you :)

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  1. Jacob says:

    For me, no doubt it had to be Michael Phelps. At age 31, he is still performing like a 25 to me. Definitely one of the best swimmers of the decade. I have watched him since the 2004 athens olympics and he seems to be doing what he preaches in his quotes.
    Indeed, if the goal you set is too simple, there is no challenge in it, then we would not perform at our very best. It is only when we set a hard goal then we can see where our standard actually lies.

    • Thank you for the feedback, Jacob. The thing is that we see what they do on the race track. And then when Michael Phleps (or Katie Ledecky) win 5 golds in Rio we tend to think it’s a cakewalk for them. However, we don’t see the hard work and sacrifices, frustration, and pain, that they have put in day in day out for four years. And the determination to keep going. That’s what boosts my confidence. :)

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